- Introduction to the TRIM.FaTE User's Guide modules (PDF)(4 pp, 38 K)
- Overview of the primary sections and topics covered in each module (PDF)(4 pp, 22 K)
- Module 1 - Software Overview - Instructions on how to navigate TRIM.FaTE software (PDF)(30 pp, 177 K)
- Module 2 - Creating a New Scenario - Overview of steps required to set up a new scenario. (PDF)(10 pp, 58 K)
- Module 3 - Library and Scenario Data Files - Description of import files, input data files, and export files, along with information on how these files are used and formatting/syntax requirements for each type of file (PDF)(40 pp, 107 K)
- Module 4 - Adding New Components to a Library - Description of the process for adding new chemicals, properties, property types, algorithms, compartment types, and composite compartments to a TRIM.FaTE library. (PDF)(28 pp, 92 K)
- Module 5 - Developing the Spatial Layout - Instructions on how to set up the volume element import file and recommendations on how to define the geographic extent, air/surface parcels, and volume elements. (PDF)(30 pp, 167 K)
- Module 6 - Implementing Biota in a TRIM.FaTE Scenario - Overview of concepts, properties, and steps important for the user to understand when implementing biota in a TRIM.FaTE scenario. (PDF)(22 pp, 99 K)
- Module 7 - Source Characterization - Conceptual description of chemical sources in TRIM.FaTE (e.g., facilities) and steps for how to configure a source. (PDF)(14 pp, 70 K)
- Module 8 - Links and Algorithms - How to set up and edit links, relationship between links and algorithms, and general guidance related to algorithms. (PDF)(22 pp, 179 K)
- Module 9 - Scenario Properties - Descriptions of basic scenario properties and how they are set up in the model. (PDF)(6 pp, 45 K)
- Module 10 - Compiling and Processing Meteorological Data Inputs - Required meteorology data and processing of related input file for a scenario. (PDF)(36 pp, 143 K)
- Module 11 - Estimating Runoff and Erosion Fractions for Surface Soil - Overview of how to estimate the fraction of total erosion and fraction of total runoff link properties that must be assigned for links between surface soil, surface water, and sinks. (PDF)(14 pp, 56 K)
- Module 12 - Pointers for Setting Up a TRIM.FaTE Scenario - Additional information pertinent to setting up a scenario. (PDF)(18 pp, 65 K)
- Module 13 - Operation of TRIM.FaTE in Steady-State Mode - Summary of set-up requirements for running TRIM.FaTE in steady state mode. (PDF)(6 pp, 27 K)
- Module 14 - Simulation Results and Analyses - Describes the different types of outputs generated by TRIM.FaTE and options for reporting, processing, and viewing results. (PDF)(44 pp, 188 K)
- Module 15 - TRIM.FaTE Sensitivity and Monte Carlo Analyses - Description of how to implement sensitivity and Monte Carlo analyses in the TRIM.FaTE framework. (PDF)(22 pp, 230 K)
- Module 16 - Tables of TRIM.FaTE Input Parameters - Set of tables that summarize all current TRIM.FaTE inputs with parameter descriptions. (PDF)(36 pp, 240 K)