Federal Green Challenge Web Academy
The Federal Green Challenge Web Academy is a webinar series that provides tools and ideas to help your agency or facility reduce the Federal Government's environmental impact. If you are unable to attend the webinars live, full-length recorded versions and presentations can be found below.
Upcoming webinars will appear immediately below when available. When no webinars are scheduled, search through the Web Academy Archives and view past webinars, presentations and resources.
Web Academy Archives
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Date | Topic |
2019/06/19 |
Utility Green Tariff Programs in the U.S.Overview and Opportunities for Cost Savings(Keywords: utility renewable energy (RE), electricity, green tariff, green power, supply options, renewable energy certificate (REC), biogas,biomass, geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, power)
2019/04/24 |
Federal Procurement of Sustainable Photovoltaics (PV)
Sustainability Leadership Standard for PV Modules and Inverters (Keywords: solar, Affordable Power Infrastructure Partnership, APIP, renewable energy)
2018/10/10 |
Green Energy Can Save Your Federal Facility Greenbacks
(Keywords: solar, Affordable Power Infrastructure Partnership, APIP, renewable energy)
2018/07/18 |
Supporting Monarch Butterflies as Pollinators - A New Mapping Tool and Case Study
(Keywords: pollinators, butterfly, monarch, habitat, milkweed)
2018/05/02 | EPA and GSA Webinar: E Scrap Management, Computers for Learning and the Federal Green Challenge |
2018/04/18 |
From Fires to Floods and Everything In Between: How Federal Facilities Can Thrive in an Era of Billion Dollar Weather Events
(Keywords: Weather, Disaster, Recovery, Fire, Flood, Hurricane, Blizzard, Tornado, Wildfire, NOAA, Facilities, Operations)
2018/03/14 |
Simplifying Sustainable Purchasing Through Guidelines and Standards
(Keywords: Green Purchasing, Eco-labels, Food Composting, Environmentally Sustainable Products and Services)
2018/01/18 |
Making it Easier to Buy Greener Products/Services | Final Reporting of FY2017 Data
(Keywords: Green Product Compilation, Sustainable Facility Tool, Final Reporting, Re-TRAC Connect)
2017/12/13 |
Driving Building Performance for Successful Participation in the FGC
(Keywords: Energy, Water, Conservation, Waste Diversion, Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings, EO 13693) Strategies for Energy/Water Conservation and Waste Diversion
2017/11/15 |
Celebrating America Recycles Day by Sharing Success Stories
(Keywords: Reuse, Recycling, Clean Seep Program, Green Cleaners) Reusing and Recycling as part of Greener Cleaning Efforts Lead to Big Successes
2017/10/26 |
Tracking and Reporting Environmental Results at Federal Facilities
(Keywords: Re-TRAC Connect, Portfolio Manager, Energy, Water, Waste) A Review of Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager and Re-TRAC
2017/09/20 |
How to Lead by Example in Sustainable Operations (Part 2)
Overview for New and Renewing Federal Agencies. Plus, Case Studies in Success from FGC Participants
2017/07/12 |
How to Lead by Example in Sustainable Operations (Part 1)
Overview for New and Renewing Federal Agencies. Plus, Case Studies in Success from FGC Participants
2017/05/15 |
Food Recovery: Sustainable Food Management Best Practices and Resources for Federal Agencies
2017/04/12 |
Food Recovery: Opportunities for Federal Facilities' Food Services
2017/03/15 |
Successful Materials Recycling Techniques and Energy Management For Your Federal Facility
2017/02/15 |
Calculating Your Solid Waste Diversion to Meet EO 13693 Guidance Goals
2017/02/15 |
What it Takes to Enhance Sustainability in Your Federal Facility
2017/02/15 |
Water: 2017 Fix a Leak Campaign
2017/01/18 |
Recycling Competitions at Federal Facilities
2016/11/16 |
Pollinator Habitat Success Story
2016/06/23 |
Pollinator Habitat & Food Security: What's All the Buzz About?
2015/09/24 |
Food Recovery: Federal Opportunities to Help Meet EO Objectives
2015/06/16 |
Leadership and Innovation from DOE and GSA
2015/06/04 |
Executive Order 13693: Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, and Federal Purchasing Update
2015/04/30 |
Strategies for Individual and Organizational Change to Achieve Environmental Success
2015/02/26 |
Getting Water Wise in the Federal Green Challenge