The U.S. Army leased 4,000 Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) to be used for passenger transport, security patrols, and maintenance and delivery. Each NEV will cost $740 less per year to power than traditional gasoline fueled vehicles.
Read more about the U.S. Army's NEV ProgramExit
Additional Case Studies
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Transportation Case Study: Reassessing How Work is Done Reduces Air Travel (PDF)(2 pp, 354 K,
Two separate departments within the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Chicago office reduced airline miles traveled by 33 percent in two years through a joint project. Collectively, they exceeded their original goal of a 10 percent reduction in miles traveled.
Transportation Case Study: Transportation Initiative Incorporates Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicles (PDF)(2 pp, 379 K,
The Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (Departments of Veterans Affairs and Navy) in North Chicago, Illinois, reduced greenhouse gases by incorporating electric vehicles and alternative fuels into fleet operations. Lovell FHCC increased its electric fleet by 200 percent in one year.