FOIA Library: Information that is Specific to EPA Region 5
On this page:
Frequently Requested Information
- Facility Registry Service Query Page. A tool for real estate agents, mortgage banks, engineering and environmental consulting firms and the public to determine if EPA databases have records on a specific property.
- USS Lead Superfund Site
- Flint Drinking Water Response
- Chicago Lead in Drinking Water Study. In 2011 and 2012, EPA Region 5 and the Chicago Department of Water Management conducted a study on field sampling protocols for lead in drinking water.
- Lindsay Light Superfund Sites. Soil contamination in Chicago.
- Enbridge Oil Spill. Marshall, Michigan Enbridge pipeline oil spill.
- EPA in Illinois
- EPA in Indiana
- EPA in Michigan
- EPA in Minnesota
- EPA in Ohio
- EPA in Wisconsin
- About EPA Region 5
- EPA Region 5 Events Calendar
- Region 5 Contact List
- Search for Superfund Sites in Region 5
- The Great Lakes
- Great Lakes Funding
- EPA Region 5 on Facebook
- EPA Region 5 on Twitter