An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FOIA Library: Information that is Specific to EPA Region 8

On this page:

Frequently Requested Information

Corporation CAA-Regulated Sources in Region 8 Indian Country

List of industrial sources of air pollution(1 pg, 566 K, June 19, 2015)

in Region 8 that are actively regulated under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Minor New Source Review and/or Title V Operating Permit Programs directly implemented by the EPA in Indian country.


Regional Haze:

Below are EPA's final actions on the Regional Haze SIPs for each of the six EPA Region 8 states/

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EPA Sources and Databases

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