FOIA Library: Information that is Specific to EPA Region 8
On this page:
Frequently Requested Information
Corporation CAA-Regulated Sources in Region 8 Indian Country
List of industrial sources of air pollution(1 pg, 566 K, June 19, 2015)
in Region 8 that are actively regulated under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Minor New Source Review and/or Title V Operating Permit Programs directly implemented by the EPA in Indian country.
- Pavillion
- What's New?
- Site Description
- Site Reports and Public Presentations
- Contacts
- Photo/Video Gallery
- Site Documents: more than 800 documents related to quality assurance, monitoring well drilling information, raw laboratory data, well sampling information, lab standard operating procedures, and lab-produced reports
Regional Haze:
Below are EPA's final actions on the Regional Haze SIPs for each of the six EPA Region 8 states/
- EPA's Final Action on Colorado's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on Montana's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on North Dakota's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on South Dakota's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on Utah's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on Wyoming's Regional Haze SIP
- EPA's Final Action on Wyoming's 309(S02) Regional Haze SIP
EPA Sources and Databases
The Region 8 Technical Library & Information Center has skilled librarians and researchers who can help you access a wide range of environmental information, including the EPA National Library Network. The library has other electronic and on-site resources such as CD-ROMs.