Region 4 Virtual Reading Room - PCS Phosphate Section 404 Clean Water Act Permit
Letters and Documentation
- Letter with enclosure dated December 4, 2000 to Honorable Joseph Westphal, Dept. of Army, from Charles Fox, EPA, RE: MOA between the EPA and Dept. of the Army under Section 404(q) CWA
- Letter with enclosures dated July 23, 2008 to Colonel Jefferson Ryscavage, COE, Wilmington District, from Heinz Mueller, EPA, RE: COE Regulatory Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for “PCS Phosphate Mine Continuation”; Aurora, Beaufort County, NC; CEQ# 20080213; ERP# COE- E67005-NC
2009 - February
- Letter dated February 20, 2009 to Thomas Welborn, EPA, from Richard Burr, and Kay Hagan, United States Senator, Walter Jones, and G.K. Butterfield, Member of Congress, RE: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc..
- Letter dated February 24, 2009 to A. Stanley Meiburg, EPA, from Jefferson Ryscavage, U.S. Army, RE: to the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Phosphate Division, Aurora Operation (PCS) application for Dept. of the Army authorization to impact Waters of the U.S.
2009- March
- Letter with enclosure dated March 17, 2009 to Colonel Jefferson Ryscavage, COE, Wilmington District, from A. Stanley Meiburg, EPA, RE: Recommendation to Request a Higher Level Review for Department of Army Permit AID 200110096, Potsh Corporation of Saskatchewan Phosphate Division, Aurora Operation (PCS) Mine Continuation
- Letter dated March 19, 2009 to Honorable Kay R. Hagan, U.S. Senater, from A. Stanley Meiburg, EPA, RE: COE CWA Section 404 (404) permit application from PCS Phosphate
2009- April
- Letter dated April 3, 2009, to Jim Giattina EPA, from Thomas Regan, Jr., RE: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc., Mine Continuation Permit
2009- June
- Letter dated June 5, 2009 to Honorable Lisa Jackson, EPA, from Derb Carter, Jr., SELC
- Letter dated June 17, 2009, to Terrance Saltn Department of the Army, from Michael Shapiro, EPA, RE: EPA not to seek additional review of the Section 404 permit to the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Phosphate Division
- Record of Decision Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Phosphate Division, dated June 3, 2009 – approximate
- PCS Statistics 6/4/2009
- Detailed Comments on Proposed PCS Phosphate Mine Expansion Section 404 Permit – approximately
Calendar Entries
2009- March
- Calendar Entry – Appointment dated March 9, 2009 RE: Tom Welborn – SEPW & PCS Mine in NC – Deliberative Process Privilege – redacted 2 pages
- Calendar Entry Meeting dated March 11, 2009 RE: Briefing – PCS Phosphates 404 Permitting
- Calendar Entry – Meeting dated April 7, 2009 RE: PCS Phosphate – Discuss NGO Alternative
- Calendar Entry – Meeting dated April 23, 2009 (PDF) RE: Briefing for the PCS Site Visit, RE: Briefing for the PCS Site Visit
- Calendar Entry – All Day Event – Travel PCS Site Visit – Stan Meiburg, dated April 27, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Appointment RE: PCS conference call w/Jim Giattina and Tom Welborn dated May 3, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting RE: PCS Phosphate Discussion dated May 5, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting RE: PCS Phosphate dated May 6, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting RE: PCS Phosphate dated May 20, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Appointment RE: PCS letter dated June 5, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting PCS Call dated June 11, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting PCS Permit dated June 11, 2009
- Calendar Entry – Meeting PCS Discussion dated June 12, 2009
2009- January
- Email dated January 7, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Heather Deck, Riverkeeper, RE: 401
- Email dated January 8, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Heather Deck, Riverkeeper, RE: 401
- Email dated January 21, 2009, to John Dorney North Carolina, from Stephen Rynas, North Carolina, RE: Modified 401 Certification for PCS Phosphate
- Email dated January 6, 2009 to addresses, EPA, from Rebecca Fox, EPA, RE: reporter
- Email dated January 12, 2009 to Tom Welborn, EPA, Rebecca Fox, EPA, RE: branch mtg
- Email dated February 2, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Heather Deck, Riverkeeper, RE: contact with Kris Lippert Region 4
- Meeting Invitation from Jim Giattina dated February 18, 2009 RE: NC Phosphate Mine PCS – Large Scale Wetland Impact
- Email dated February 24, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Heather Deck, Riverkeeper, RE: PCS congressional letter
2009- March
- Email dated March 23, 2009 to addresses, from Stan Meiburg, EPA, RE: 404 Permit for PCS Phosphate
- Email dated March 31, 2009 (PDF) to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA, RE: A-P estuary question
- Emails dated from March 11, 2009 thru March 30, 2009 to addresses from addresses, RE: PCS**
- Email with attachment dated March 11, 2009 to Tressa Turner, EPA, Jennifer Derby, EPA, RE: Fw: cc list for the PCS 3 d letter to Wilmington District –
- Deliberative Process Privilege – withheld 3/9/09 email
- Email dated March 11, 2009, to Rebecca Fox EPA, from Marion Hopkins, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS – Deliberative Process Privilege – withheld email 3/10/09 and email 3/9/09 non-responsive
- Emails dated from March 25, 2009, thru June 5, 2009, to addresses from addresses, RE: PCS**March 2009, April 2009, May 2009, June 2009
- Email dated March 17, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Jennifer Derby, EPA, RE: Fw: call today
- Email dated March 17, 2009, to Philip Mancusi-Ungaro EPA, from Jennifer Derby, EPA, RE: NMFS PCS recommendations – Deliberative Process Privilege – withheld cover email
- Email with attachments dated March 18, 2009 to Philip Mancusi-Ungaro, EPA, From Philip Mancusi-Ungaro, EPA, RE: Fw: Appeal of PCS 401 certification
- Email dated March 18, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA, Re: from page 2-31
- Email with attachments dated March 18, 2009 to Mike Shapiro, EPA, from Tressa Turner, EPA, RE: Memo - Request for Higher Level Review of Wilmington District Permit AID 200110096, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Phosphate Division, Aurora Operation Mine Continuation
- Email with attachment dated March 18, 2009 to Palmer Hough, EPA, from Tom Welborn, EPA, RE: Scan from a Xerox WorkCentre Pro
- Email dated March 19, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Matt Massey, EPA, RE: PCS again
- Email dated March 27, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Jim Giattina, EPA, RE: PCS
- Email dated -March 28, 2009 to Rebecca Fox, EPA, from Tom Welborn, EPA, RE: Monday Agency/NGO discussion 1PM
- Email dated April 6, 2009, to Palmer Hough EPA, from Jim Giattina, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS Phosphate ATTN COL Michael Pfenning
- Email dated April 9, 2009, to addresses EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA, RE: Army rejects FWS request for extension on PCS Phosphate
- Email dated April 12, 2009, to addresses EPA, from Tom Welborn, EPA, RE: Latest details regarding EPA site visit to PCS on 4/27
- Email dated April 17, 2009, to Rebecca Fox EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA, RE: Site visit to PCS Phosphate – Aurora, NC
- Email dated April 20, 2009 to addresses, from Bill Cary, RE: PCS – 404 Permit; Gregory Summary
- Email dated April 21, 2009 to Jack Blackmer, Novozymes, from Stan Meiburg, EPA, RE: Greetings
- Email with attachment dated April 23, 2009 to addresses, from Bill Cary, Re: PCS – 404 Permit; Gregory Summary
- Email dated April 23, 2009, to addresses EPA, from Rebecca Fox, EPA, RE: WRC request
- Email dated April 23, 2009, to Palmer Hough EPA, from Rebecca Fox, EPA, RE: Fw: Question about Bonnerton Hardwood Flat
- Email with attachment dated April 23, 2009 to addresses, EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS – 404 Permit; Gregory Summary
- Email with attachment dated April 24, 2009 to addresses, from Geoff Gisler, SELCNC, RE: PCS Phosphate mine permit elevation – Permit AID 200110096
- Email dated April 27, 2009 to EPA addresses, from Derb Carter, SELCNC, RE: meeting tomorrow
- Email dated May 2, 2009 to Stan Meiburg, EPA, from Sam Hamilton, FWS, RE: Ur email
- Email dated May 6, 2009 to Jim Giattina, EPA, from Chip Smith, Army, RE: PCS
- Email dated May 6, 2009, to Tom Welborn EPA, from Rebecca Fox, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS Phosphate 404q Decision and Documents
- Email with attachment dated May 7, 2009 to addresses, EPA, from Tom Welborn, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS Phosphate 404q Decision and Documents
- Email dated May 12, 2009, to Geoff Gisler SELCNC, from Stan Meiburg, EPA, RE: PCS Phosphate: USACE response to EPA elevation
- Email dated May 12, 2009, to Stan Meiburg EPA, from Geoff Gisler, SELCNC, RE: PCS Phosphate: USACE response to EPA elevation
- Email dated May 12, 2009, to Mike Shapiro EPA, fro Geoff Gisler, SELCNC, RE: PCS Phosphate: USACE response to EPA elevation
- Email dated May 7, 2009, to Tom Welborn EPA, from Jim Giattina, EPA RE: PCS Phosphate 404q Decision and Documents
- Email with attachment dated May 13, 2009 to addresses, EPA, from Palmer Hough, EPA RE: Fw: PCS Phosphate USACE response to EPA elevation
- Email dated May 18, 2009, to addresses EPA, from Jim Giattina, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS
- Email with attachment dated May 18, 2009; to addresses, EPA, from Jim Giattina, EPA, RE: Proposal to Modify Alternative L for further Avoidance
- Emails dated from January 7, 2009 thru June 18, 2009, to addresses from addresses, RE: PCS:** January 2009, February 2009, March 2009, April 2009, May 2009, June 2009
- Article dated June 3, 2009 “Corps renders Record of Decision on PCS Phosphate Permit Application
Email dated June 4, 2009, to addresses EPA, from Tom Welborn, EPA, RE: Fw: PCS Phosphate Press Release