EZ Query Search Options Help
Search Options Help
In database terms, the Search Options are really "comparison operators". What they do is compare the database column value against the search value that you've entered from the Query Form. Based on the comparison, the database will either accept the row for processing or it will reject the row. Explanations for each operator are given below:
Equal to | The database will only return rows where the column value is equal to the search value. | Very Good |
Not Equal to | The database will only return rows where the column value is NOT equal to the search value. | Very Good |
Beginning with | The database will only return rows where the start of column value is equal to the search value. A comparison is done, character by character, up to the last character entered for the search value. | Very Good |
Less than/Equal to | The database will only return rows where the column value is equal to or less than the search value. | Very Good |
Greater than/Equal to | The database will only return rows where the column value is equal to or greater than the search value. | Very Good |
Less than | The database will only return rows where the column value is less than the search value. | Very Good |
Greater than | The database will only return rows where the column value is greater than the search value. | Poor |
Containing | For Character fields only. The database will only return rows where the search value is contained within the column value. As an example if the search value entered is "ABC" and the column value is "CCABCDD" then the row will be accepted. Using the same search value of "ABC" if the column value was "AABBCC" then the row will be rejected. | Good |
in | A very powerful operator for Character fields only. Instead of a single search value, the user can enter multiple search values, each separated by a comma. The database will only return rows where the column value is equal to one of search values. As an example if the search value entered is "CCAA, AABB, CCAB" and the column value is "CCAB" then the row will be accepted. Using the same search value of "CCAA, AABB, CCAB" if the column value was "CCBB" then the row will be rejected. | Average |
Not in | The Opposite of the "In" operator. Instead of a single search value, the user can enter multiple search values, each separated by a comma. The database will only return rows where the column value is not equal to one of search values. As an example if the search value entered is "CCAA, AABB, CCAB" and the column value is "CCAB" then the row will be rejected. Using the same search value of "CCAA, AABB, CCAB" if the column value was "CCBB" then the row will be accepted. | Good |
Between | Instead of a single search value, the user enters a starting and an ending search value, separated by the literal "AND". The database will only return rows where the column value is equal to or greater than the starting search value and less than or equal to the ending search value. As an example if the search value entered is "60085 and 60087" and the column value is "60085" then the row will be accepted. Using the same search value of "60085 and 60087" if the column value was "60088" then the row will be rejected. To aid the user, a pop-up window is displayed which will automatically insert the "AND" literal. | Good |