GIS Applications
There are many Agency applications that utilize locational information from the FRS Geospatial Reference Tables. Any application that displays facility points from the National Shapefile Repository or the EPA Spatial Data Library System (ESDLS) is utilizing coordinates from the Geospatial Structures. In addition to the maps displayed within the Envirofacts and FRS Queries Web queries these applications also make use of Facility Coordinate Information in the FRS Geospatial Reference Tables.
My Environment
Enter a location such as address, zip, city, county, waterbody, park name, etc. (e.g., 22207, Arlington, VA or Difficult Run).
EnviroMapper for Envirofacts
EnviroMapper provides a map interface to discover facility locations and associated environmental information for the data within the Envirofacts Warehouse.
Geospatial Download
The EPA Geospatial Data Access Project provides downloadable files of EPA Facility Locations and associated information in a variety of data formats.