Manufacturers/importers of renewable diesel for on-road use are required to register the fuel with the EPA.
To register, complete form 3520-12 available here: Register a Fuel or Fuel Additive.
Please indicate “renewable diesel” in part 5(g).
Additionally, please attach the following information to the form:
- Description of raw materials used to manufacture the diesel.
- Description of the process used to manufacture the diesel.
- Laboratory test reports of the diesel indicating that it meets ASTM D-975.
- Discussion why your fuel is substantially similar to diesel fuel used in emissions certification.
A separate registration is also required for the diesel sulfur program and the renewable fuel standard program via the Central Data Exchange. Please see: Reporting for Fuel Programs.
The above is required before the fuel may be introduced into commerce. It does not apply to blending components. If you are importing only a blending component, then the party that uses the blending component to produce a diesel fuel would be subject to the above.