How to Register a New Company, Facility, or User for Part 80 Fuels Program
On this page:
Required Systems
The Part 80 Fuels Program requires the use of the following registration system:
OTAQREG: Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) Fuels Registration
Within OTAQREG, delegated users can be assigned roles to use the following compliance reporting systems:
- OTAQDCFUEL: Quarterly and Annual Compliance Reporting
- OTAQEMTS: EPA Moderated Transaction System
- OTAQWaiverCredits: Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits Pay.Gov Application
To view completed and planned changes to the OTAQREG system, see: System Updates for Fuels Registration
Help Topics
- Job Aids for OTAQREG
- EPA Webinar Slides on Tier 3 Gasoline Sulfur Regulations
- Guidance on Biogas used to Produce CNG or LNG under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program (PDF)
(6 pp, 89 K, EPA-420-B-16-075,
September 2016, About PDF)
Registering as a New User
Users that must be registered include:
- Responsible Corporate Officers (RCOs) of companies
- Users delegated by an RCO to view or submit registration or reporting data within the EPA system
Step 1: Create a CDX Account and Complete an Electronic Signature Agreement
- All EPA Fuels Program registration and reporting systems are accessed through the Central Data Exchange (CDX).
- For instructions on how to create a CDX Account, see: Creating a CDX Account
Step 2: Associate your CDX Account to a company in OTAQREG
- For existing companies, new users can request a “user association." For instructions on creating a user association, see: How to Become a Delegated User of a Registered Company in OTAQREG (PDF)(4 pp, 609 K, June 2018, EPA-420-B-18-032)
- For new companies, continue to the next section: “Registering a New Company”
Registering a New Company
Companies that must be registered include:
- Producers, importers, and exporters of:
- Renewable Fuels (as defined under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program)
- Producers or importers of:
- Gasoline, Reformulated Gasoline, Pentane, Ethanol Denaturant, or Oxygenates
- Diesel fuel that is used to power highway vehicles and/or non-road engines and equipment
- RIN marketers and traders
- Oxygenate blenders
- Independent laboratories
- Independent third party companies that conduct audits of renewable fuel production under the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Program
Step 1: Register a user with a CDX Account (as applicable)
- See "Registering as a New User" section on this page
Step 2: Create a new company in OTAQREG
- For QAP companies, see: How to Register a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Provider Company
- For Renewable Fuel Producers, see: How to Register a New Renewable Fuel Producer for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)
Registering a New Facility
Facilities that must be registered include:
Renewable Fuel
- Producer (Domestic or Foreign)
- Exporter
- Importer (including to PADDs)
- Small blender (as defined in 40 CFR 80.1440)
- Refinery (Non-renewable fuels or Ethanol Denaturant)
- Small refinery
- Importer (Non-renewable fuels, PADD, Oxygenate, or Ethanol Denaturant)
- Oxygenate blender or producer
- Pentane producer
- Independent lab
- Refinery (Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel, or ECA Marine Fuel)
- Small refinery
- Terminal (Pipeline/Pass-Through, Truck Loading, or ECA Marine Fuel)
- Importer (Non-Renewable Fuels, PADD, or ECA Marine Fuel)
- Mobile facility
- Transmix facility
Step 1: Register a user with a CDX Account (as applicable)
- See “Registering as a New User” section on this page
Step 2: Create a new company in OTAQREG (as applicable)
- See "Registering a New Company" section on this page
Step 3: Add a new facility in OTAQREG
- A job aid for this task is being developed. If you have any questions, see: Contact Us about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help