General Conformity Training Modules
This training is divided into four modules so you can go directly to the information you want on the General Conformity Regulations.
- The Basics, for top agency managers and the general public.
Module I provides an overview of the program purpose, content of the regulations, design of the program, legal requirements, and relationship to other environmental programs.
- The Key Concepts, for program managers and others who need a working knowledge of the program.
Module II provides information on determining the applicability of the regulations to federal actions, the requirements for determining conformity, and the review process for a determination.
- All The Details, for the individuals responsible for preparing the determination.
Module III contains detailed information on evaluating conformity including emission calculations, requirements for associated programs and special situations.
- State and tribal requirements and responsibilities, for state, tribal, and local air quality managers.
Module IV provides information on state and tribal requirements and responsibilities in the evaluation of conformity for federal actions.
A printable version of the training modules is also available.
The regulations apply to actions taken by entities of the federal government. This document refers to the entities as “federal agencies.” Although the rules do not specifically apply to non-federal organizations, many federal agencies require applicants for grants, permits, approvals, etc., to provide the technical documentation and demonstrations necessary for the agencies to make the conformity determination. Individuals and organizations preparing technical documents and demonstrations for a federal agency should follow the directives of that agency. In this document, the term “federal agency” includes the non-federal organizations acting for the federal agency or preparing the information for a conformity evaluation. Likewise, the document refers to “federal facilities” to mean not only facilities owned by the federal agencies but also to facilities subject to routine federal actions such as airports and seaports.
In each Module, words that are initially shown in bold and italics are defined in the Glossary.
Disclaimer: The statements in this document, with the exception of referenced requirements, are intended solely for training purposes and are not considered legally binding. This document is not intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States. In no event shall either the United States Government or Contractor have any responsibility or liability for any consequences of any use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance upon the information contained herein, nor does either warrant or otherwise represent in any way the accuracy, adequacy, efficacy, or applicability of the contents hereof.