Rulemaking Notices for GHG Reporting
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This page provides a listing of Federal Register notices and links to more information for rule changes and proposed rule changes that affect the reporting requirements for Reporting Year 2017 and beyond.
For a list of all Federal Register notices for the GHGRP, visit the Historical Rulemakings page. During the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule (Part 98) proposal phase, EPA also developed a number of supporting materials on the 2009 proposal, which you can find in the 2009 Proposed Rule Archive.
Federal Register Date | Citation | Action | Description | First reporting year impacted |
12/09/2016 | 81 FR 89188 | Final Rule |
Revises 29 subparts to streamline implementation, improve data quality, provide flexibility, and clarify the rule. Establishes confidentiality determinations for new or substantially revised data elements. Final action in response to a Petition for Reconsideration. |
2016 2017 2018 (Varies depending on subpart) |
11/30/2016 | 81 FR 86490 | Final Rule | Revises subpart W (Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems) to add new monitoring methods consistent with the New Source Performance Standard for the oil and gas industry. Also finalizes emission factors for leaking equipment, and establishes confidentiality determinations for new or substantially revised data elements. Preamble and Rule (PDF)(30 pp, 393K) Response to Comments Final Rule Fact Sheet Proposed Preamble and Rule (PDF) (20 pp, 352K) |
2017 |