GLI Clearinghouse Chemical and Data Field Lists
Chemical List
The GLI Clearinghouse currently has data on 423 chemical substances, which are listed by:
- chemical name
- number, either:
- Chemical Abstracts Service Registry number (CASRN or CAS number)
- or EPA Identifier (EPA ID)
- EPA IDs begin with "E"
- EPA gives them to substances without a CAS number
- and systematic name.
To search the list for a specific name or CAS number: once you've opened the spreadsheet, press CTRL+F.
If you don't know the CAS number, you can look it up in EPA's Substance Registry Services.
- GLI Clearinghouse Chemical List (Excel spreadsheet)(2 pp, 31 K, August 2013)
Data Field Lists
The Clearinghouse provides data only to the extent that they were included in the State/Tribal fact sheets or similar support documents. Therefore, the number of data fields available for a given query varies by both agency and use. The complete set of data fields for each designated use is shown below. If you need more data than what is displayed with a criterion result, view the original source link listed with the criterion result.
Aquatic Life Data Fields
Download Column Name | Description | Comments |
CHEMICAL | Chemical name (based on EPA registry) | |
CAS | CAS Registry Number | |
USE | Criterion/Standard Type | Acute or Chronic |
AGENCY | Agency | Federal or State agency with regulatory authority over criteria |
CRIT_VALUE | Criterion/Standard Value | |
SLOPE | Slope | Given if CRIT_VALUE is an equation |
INTERCEPT | Intercept | Given if CRIT_VALUE is an equation |
CRIT_UNITS | Criterion/Standard Units | |
DATE_LAST_RVS | Date Last Revised | Date Last REVISED, not reviewed |
CONVERSION | Conversion | Conversion factor |
LOCATION | Location | Location for which the criteria applies |
TIERLEVEL | Tier Level | Tier Level as defined in the GLI, e.g., Tier 1 if data is collected from 8 different families as defined in the GLI. |
RULECITE | Rule Citation | Citation where criteria and/or criteria derivation method can be found |
CRIT_COMMENTS | Comments | Comments specific to Criteria. If Tier 2, will include number of taxa and SAF |
LATIN | Scientific Species Name | |
COMMON | Common Name | |
DATA_VALUESIGN | Value Sign | e.g., <, > |
DATA_VALUE | Toxicity Data Value | |
DATA_UNITS | Toxicity Data Units | |
HARDNESS | Hardness (CaCo3/L) | |
PH | pH | |
LIFESTAGE | Lifestage | |
DOSEMTRC_ENDPT | Dose Metric/Endpoint | e.g., LC50, EC50 |
DURATION | Duration of Test | e.g., 24 hours, 96 hours |
CONF_INT | Confidence Interval | |
DATA_COMMENTS | Data Comments | Comments specific to toxicity data point |
CRIT_USES_DATA | Data Point used for Criteria? | |
SLOPE_USES_DATA | Data Point used for Slope? | |
CITATION | Reference(s) | Source(s) of data |
Human Health Data Fields
Download Column Name | Description | Comments |
CHEMICAL | Chemical name (based on EPA registry) | |
CAS | CAS Registry Number | |
USE | Criterion/Standard Type | |
AGENCY | Agency | Federal or State agency with regulatory authority over criteria |
CRIT_VALUE | Criterion/Standard Value | e.g., Human Health Carcinogen - water and fish ingestion, Human Health Noncarcinogen - fish ingestion only |
CRIT_UNITS | Criterion/Standard Units | |
LOCATION | Location | Location for which the criteria applies |
TIERLEVEL | Tier Level | Tier Level as defined in the GLI, e.g., Tier 1 if data is collected from 8 different families as defined in the GLI. |
DATE_LAST_RVS | Date Last Revised | Date Last REVISED, not reviewed |
RULECITE | Rule Citation | Citation where criteria and/or criteria derivation method can be found |
CRIT_COMMENTS | Comments | Comments specific to Criteria. If Tier 2, will include number of taxa and SAF |
DOSE_MTRC | Dose Metric | e.g., q1* for calculating RAD or NOAEL for calculating ADE |
DOSE_VALUE | Test Dose Value | |
DOSE_UNITS | Dose Units | e.g., mg/kg/day ^-1 for q1* or mg/kg/day for NOAEL or RfD |
HH_BAF_TL3 | Human Health BAF Trophic Level 3 (L/kg) | |
HH_BAF_TL4 | Human Health BAF Trophic Level 4 (L/kg) | |
HH_UF_TOT | Total Uncertainty Factor | Only required for noncancer |
HH_INCR_CANC_RSK | Incremental Cancer Risk | Only required for cancer |
HH_ADE_RAD | Acceptable Dose Exposure or Risk Associated Dose (mg/kg/day) | ADE when calculating noncarcinogens and RAD when calculating for carcinogens. |
HH_BW | Body weight (kg) | Body weight of average human |
HH_RSC | Relative Source Contribution. | Only required for noncancer |
HH_FC_TL3 | Fish Consumption Trophic Level 3 (kg/day) | Default value for GLI is set for .0036 kg/day |
HH_FC_TL4 | Fish Consumption Trophic Level 4 (kg/day) | Default value for GLI is set for .0114 kg/day |
LOG_KOW | Log Kow | Log of Octanol-water partition of criteria chemical |
FCM_TL3 | Food Chain Multiplier Trophic Level 3 (See Table B-1) | As found in Table B-1 of CFR132 Appendix B, usually 1 for inorganics |
FCM_TL4 | Food Chain Multiplier Trophic Level 4 (See Table B-1) | As found in Table B-1 of CFR132 Appendix B, usually 1 for inorganics |
PCT_LPD | Lipid content of prey item | |
HH_DOC | Dissolved Organic Carbon (kg/L) | |
HH_POC | Particulate Organic Carbon (kg/L) | |
MEAS_BAF | Measured BAF (L/kg) | |
MEAS_BCF | Measured BCF (L/kg) | |
B_BAF_TL3 | Baseline BAF Trophic Level 3 (L/kg) | |
B_BAF_TL4 | Baseline BAF Trophic Level 4 (L/kg) | |
STD_LPD_TL3 | Standardized Fraction Lipid Value Trophic Level 3 | Default value is 0.0182 |
STD_LPD_TL4 | Standardized Fraction Lipid Value Trophic Level 4 | Default value is 0.031 |
BSAF_I | BSAF for Criteria Chemical (L/kg) | |
KOW_I | Kow for Criteria Chemical | Octanol-water partition coefficient of criteria chemical |
BSAF_R | BSAF for Reference Chemical (L/kg) | |
KOW_R | Kow for Reference Chemical | Octanol-water partition coefficient of reference chemical |
B_BAF_R | Baseline BAF for Reference Chemical (L/kg) | |
REF | Reference(s) | Source(s) of RfD, Log Kow, BAF etc. |
Wildlife Data Fields
Download Column Name | Description | Comments |
CHEMICAL | Chemical name (based on EPA registry) | |
CAS | CAS Registry Number | |
USE | Criterion/Standard Type | WILDLIFE |
AGENCY | Agency | Federal or State agency with regulatory authority over criteria |
CRIT_VALUE | Criterion/Standard Value | |
CRIT_UNITS | Criterion/Standard Units | |
STATUS | Criterion/Standard Status | e.g., FINAL, UNDER DEVELOPMENT, SUPERCEDED |
LOCATION | Location | Location for which the criteria applies |
TIERLEVEL | Tier Level | Tier Level as defined in the GLI, e.g., Tier 1 if data is collected from 8 different families as defined in the GLI. |
DATE_LAST_RVS | Date Last Revised | Date Last REVISED, not reviewed |
RULECITE | Rule Citation | Citation where criteria and/or criteria derivation method can be found |
CRIT_COMMENTS | Comments | Comments specific to Criteria. If Tier 2, will include number of taxa and SAF |
LATIN | Scientific Species Name | |
COMMON | Common Name | |
DOSEMTRC_ENDPT | Dose Metric | e.g., NOAEL or LOAEL |
DATA_VALUE | Dose Value | Test dose for the test species |
DATA_UNITS | Dose Units | Test dose units |
DATA_COMMENTS | Data Comments | Narrative comments specific to data used (e.g., reproductive effects, ingestion dose, et.) |
UF_A | UF across species | Uncertainty Factor for extrapolating toxicity data across species |
UF_S | UF subchronic/chronic | Uncertainty Factor for extrapolating from subchronic to chronic exposures |
UF_L | UF LOAEL/NOAEL | Uncertainty Factor for LOAEL to NOAEL extrapolations |
WL_H2O_CONS | Water Consumption | Avg daily volume of water consumed in Liters/day by representative species |
WL_BW | Body Weight | Avg weight in kg for representative species |
WL_FOOD_TL3 | Food Consumed Trophic Level 3 | Avg daily amount of food consumed from trophic level 3 in kg/day by representative species |
WL_BAF_TL3 | BAF Trophic Level 3 | Wildlife Bioacumulation Factor for Trophic Level 3 in L/kg |
WL_FOOD_TL4 | Food Consumed Trophic Level 4 | Avg daily amount of food consumed from trophic level 4 in kg/day by representative species |
WL_BAF_TL4 | BAF Trophic Level 4 | Wildlife Bioacumulation Factor for Trophic Level 4 in L/kg |
WL_FOOD_TL_OTHER | Food Consumed Other Trophic Levels | Avg daily amount of food consumed from other Trophic Level in kg/day by representative species |
WL_BAF_TL_OTHER | BAF Other Trophic Levels | Wildlife Bioacumulation Factor for other Trophic Level in L/kg |
CRIT_USES_DATA | Data Point used for Criterion? | |
CITATION | Reference(s) | Source(s) of data |