GLWQA Annexes
EPA’s Great Lakes National Program Office coordinates U.S. efforts to fulfill our commitments under the Agreement. Implementation is accomplished through a variety of federal programs, in coordination and consultation with states, tribal governments, local agencies and the public.
The Agreement includes 10 Annexes, each of which focuses on specific issues. Binational teams have been set up to implement the actions required by these Annexes. U.S. federal agencies have taken on a leadership role by co-chairing these binational teams.
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Annex 1: Areas of Concern – restoring highly contaminated sites within the Great Lakes basin through the development and implementation of Remedial Action Plans. Co-chaired by EPA. Learn about progress in cleaning up U.S. Areas of Concern
Annex 2: Lakewide Management – improving water quality on a lake-by-lake basis. Co-chaired by EPA.7
Annex 3 - Chemicals of Mutual Concern – protecting human health and the environment by reducing the release of chemicals of mutual concern. Co-chaired by EPA.
Annex 4 - Nutrients – implementing actions to manage phosphorus and other nutrients. Co-chaired by EPA.
U.S. Action Plan for Lake Erie
Recommended Binational Phosphorus Targets to Combat Lake Erie Algal Blooms
Annex 4 Multi Modeling Report - Final
Annex 5 - Discharges from Vessels – preventing harmful discharges from ships and other vessels. Co-chaired by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Annex 6 - Aquatic Invasive Species – preventing the introduction of new aquatic invasive species and limiting the impacts of existing aquatic invasive species. Co-chaired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Annex 7 - Habitat and Species – protecting native species and their habitat. Co-chaired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Annex 8 - Groundwater – coordinating groundwater science and management actions. Co-chaired by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Annex 9 - Climate Change Impacts – coordinating efforts to understand and predict the climate change impacts and proactively address these impacts. Co-chaired by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Annex 10 - Science – coordinate, integrate, synthesize, and address Great Lakes science. Co-chaired by EPA.