This information is no longer current. The current reimbursement information is on Reimbursement Totals.
Updated December 13, 2016
Gold King Mine Reimbursements (Replaces previous table from August 5, 2016)
TOTAL requested |
Reimbursed under CERCLA |
Awarded through Clean Water Act funds (section 106 and 319) |
Awarded through Drinking Water State Revolving Funds |
Awarded through Multi-purpose Grant Funds |
Water Funds awarded under and Interagency Agreement for work throughout the watershed (EPA-HQ) |
Total Funded through CERCLA and Clean Water Act Funds |
Utah |
$411,120.00 |
$465,000.00 |
$867,120.00 |
Colorado |
$161,049.00 |
$465,000.00 |
$626,049.00 |
Southern Ute Indian Tribe |
$5,455,487.00 |
$281,365.00 |
$263,000.00 |
$544,365.00 |
Ute Mountain Ute |
$40,000.00 |
$40,000.00 |
La Plata County |
$2,946,990.20 |
$377,267.20 |
$377,267.20 |
San Juan County / Silverton |
$8,757,392.90 |
$349,564.90 |
$349,564.90 |
San Juan Basin Health Department |
$480,586.11 |
$77,131.00 |
$77,131.00 |
Durango |
$5,676,215.00 |
$156,930.00 |
$156,930.00 |
Navajo Nation |
$1,426,847.00 |
$602,794.00 |
$465,000.00 |
$1,067,794.00 |
Arizona |
$39,425.00 |
$39,425.00 |
$39,425.00 |
New Mexico |
$1,308,827.00 |
$1,072,585.00 |
$465,000.00 |
$108,000.00 |
$112,093.00 |
$1,757,678.00 |
$340,970.00 |
$340,970.00 |
$26,091,770.21 |
$3,529,231.10 |
$2,163,000.00 |
$108,000.00 |
$112,093.00 |
$340,970.00 |
$6,253,294.10 |
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