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Gold King Mine Data, August 23, 2015

Data from Gold King Mine Response

The EPA surface water samples collected on August 16 and 17, 2015 from along the Animas River have been validated.  EPA has done a review of the data which included a comparison to screening levels for exposure during recreational use to determine if the metal concentrations are consistent with pre-incident levels.

Based on the results of the surface water samples in the Animas River, surface water concentrations are trending toward pre-event conditions.

EPA sediment samples for August 13, 2015 and August 14, 2015 were collected from 12 irrigation ditches along the Animas River and five locations in the Animas River.

EPA has done a review of the data which included a comparison to screening levels for exposure during recreational use to determine if metal concentrations are consistent with pre-event levels.

Based on the results of the sediment samples, sediment concentrations are trending toward pre-event conditions.

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