Assistance Agreement Payment Process
- Award signed by EPA award official
- Recipient signs acceptance of agreement
- Finance office notified that award is accepted
- Funds are made available to recipients
Payment Methods - EPA EFT via ACH
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via EPA's accounting system
- Recipient provides banking information to receive funds electronically
- Submits ACH payment request
- Payments electronically deposited within 2-3 working days
Enrollment Form for Automated Clearing House Vendor/Misceallaneous Payments - SF 3881 (PDF) (3 pp, 23 K, About PDF)
EPA payment request Payment methods - ASAP
- Electronic system thru Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
- Utilizes ACH and FEDWIRE
- Federal agencies establish accounts and spending authorizations
- Recipient initiates payments
- System approves or rejects payments
- Approved payments made same or next day
- Funds are credited to recipient account
- Enrollment Process
- Recipient contacts EPA to request enrollment
- Agency contacts Treasury and provides recipient enrollment data
- Treasury provides recipient with software, instructions, user IDs, and training
- EPA reconciles grant balances with recipient and establishes accounts in ASAP
- Benefits of ASAP
- One time enrollment
- No communication software costs
- Minimal hardware costs
- Fewer systems
- Greater flexibility
Required Financial Reports
- SF-425 Federal Financial Report (FFR)
- As of October 1, 2009 this form replaces the SF-269 and SF-272
- Used to closeout a grant/cooperative agreement