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EPA Grants

Equal Employment Opportunity Contacts for questions regarding understanding EPA's Nondiscrimination status & reulations

Preaward compliance review report for all applicants requesting federal financial assistance

Understanding EPA's Nondiscrimination Statutes & Regulations - EPA's Office of Civil Rights has prepared this on-line training course to help applicants for and recipients of EPA financial assistance comply with EPA's nondiscrimination requirements under federal law. The course is also aimed to increase the public’s understanding of EPA’s nondiscrimination regulations and statutes.

If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate person for your region, listed below.

Equal Employment Opportunity Officers

Region I
Name: Sharon Wells
Telephone: (617) 918-1007
For States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Region II
Name: Mavis Johnson
Telephone: (212) 637-3339
For States: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Region III
Name: Cynthia Burrows
Telephone: (215) 814-5326
For States: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia

Region IV
Name: Naima Halim-Chestnut
Telephone: (404) 562-9220
For States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee

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Region V
Name: Florine Matthews
Telephone: (312) 886-6068
For States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Region VI
Name: Tonia Buxton
Telephone: (214) 665-3185
For States: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Region VII
Name: Michael Butkovich
Telephone: (913) 551-7189
For States: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska

Region VIII
Name: Mario Mérida
Telephone: (303) 312-6297
For States: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Region IX
Name: Gina Edwards
Telephone: (415) 947-4284
For States: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa

Region X
Name: Victoria Plata
Telephone: (206) 553-8580
For States: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

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