Grants for your Region: Information that is specific to EPA Region 3
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Current Regional Grant Opportunities
EPA-R3-CBP-21-01: Chesapeake Bay Program Office Fiscal Year 2021 Request for Applications for Citizens Advisory Committee, Local Government Advisory Committee, and Local Leadership Workgroup Support
The close date of RFA is January 29, 2021
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) is announcing a Request for Applications (RFA) for supporting Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) goals related to residents, communities, and local governments of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Support includes two separate activities to coordinate a total of three CBP groups that serve to increase representation, inclusion, and engagement of (1) watershed residents and (2) local governments in the CBP partnership’s restoration and conservation efforts.
(1) One group that represents and provides the perspectives of watershed residents:
- A. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
(2) Two groups related to local governments:
- B. Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC), which represents and provides the perspectives of local government leaders; and
- C. Local Leadership Workgroup (LLWG), which serves to enhance the knowledge and capacity of local government leaders.
Applicants may apply for both activities described in Section I.B but must submit two separate applications. If an applicant applies for both activities under one application, the application will be deemed ineligible.
Supplemental Regional Information
- Chesapeake Bay Program Grant Guidance
- EPA Region 3 Closeout Informaton
- EPA Region 3 Grants and Audit Management Branch Intergovernmental review process and single points of contact information
- 2017-2018 Bundling Program
Grants Contacts
Program | EPA Contact |
(1) Technical Assistance Grants (BF) Brownfield Assessments (BF) Brownfield Cleanups (BF) Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (V) Superfund State Site-Specific Cooperative Agreements (MD/VA/WV/DC) (V) Superfund Pre-Remedial Response Program (MD/VA/WV/DC) |
Tanya Thomas 215-814-5408 |
(JT) Brownfield Job Training (V) Superfund State Site-Specific Cooperative Agreements (DE/PA) (V) Superfund Pre-Remedial Response Program (DE/PA) (VC) Superfund CORE Program (RP) State Response Program (PB) State Lead TSCA (I) Clean Water Act Section 106 (NP) Pollution Prevention |
Bobbi Robinson 215-814-2107 |
(C9) Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants: CWA Section 319 (BG) Performance Partnership Grants (Pesticides) (K1) State Indoor Radon Grants Program Support |
Bernard McCullagh 215-814-5403 |
(CD) Regional Wetland Program Development Grants (XP) Congressionally Mandated Projects (VA/WV) (UW) Urban Waters (F) State Public Water System Supervision |
Tina Withelder 215-814-5411 |
(CB) Chesapeake Bay Program (CS) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (FS) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund |
Julie Dietrich 215-814-5373 |
(CE) National Estuary (CU) Beach Monitoring and Notification (X1) Resource Conservation Challenge Grants (CH) Children's Health (AA) Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes (B) Tribal General Assistance Program Grants |
Lorraine Fleury 214-814-2341 |
(A1) Environmental Finance Centers (XA) Surveys, Studies, etc.: (Misc. Clean Air Act) (XP) DC Water Infrastructure Grants (BG) Performance Partnership Grants (Multimedia) (MD/VA) (EQ/EC) Environmental Justice (C) DC Wastewater Treatment Construction (FS) DC WASA-Safe Drinking Water (A) Clean Air Act Section 105 (PM) Particulate Matter 2.5 and Speciation Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network |
Donna Armstrong 215-814-5393 |
(BF) Brownfield Assessment and Cleanup Cooperative Agreements (TR) Brownfield Training, Research, and Technical Assistance (X9) Source Reduction Assistance (NE) Environmental Education Grants (K) Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring Cooperative Agreements (B) Tribal General Assistance Program Grants (DS) State Clean Diesel Grant Program |
Matthew Creedon 215-814-5174 |
(XP) Congressionally Mandated Projects (DE/MD/PA) (C6) Water Quality Management Planning (G) State Underground Water Source Protection (D) Hazardous Waste Management State Program Support (LS) Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (L) Underground Storage Tanks (DE) National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program |
Baseemah Patterson 215-814-5371 |
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): Serving Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia