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EPA Grants

Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee

The Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee (ISDC) was created, as an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) committee, by Executive Order 12549 for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the order. This order mandates executive departments and agencies to:

  • participate in a government-wide system,
  • issue regulations with government-wide criteria and minimum due process procedures when debarring or suspending participants, and
  • send debarred and suspended participants' identifying information to the General Services Administration for inclusion on a list of excluded persons, now known as the System for Award Management (SAM). Information placed on the SAM is the responsibility of the Agency issuing the suspension or debarment.

The committee also facilitates lead agency coordination, serves as a forum to discuss current suspension and debarment related issues, and assists in developing unified federal policy. When requested by OMB, the committee serves as a regulatory drafting body for revisions to the government-wide nonprocurement suspension and debarment common rule.

For more information about the ISDC, please visit the Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee