Remediation and Restoration Projects for Buffalo River AOC
Project Title | Project Description | Date Completed | Targeted BUI(s) |
GLLA Sediment Remediation | Almost 500,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment outside and below the navigation channel were remediated by EPA and Honeywell. Dredging/capping completed in 2015; monitoring is ongoing. | ongoing |
Strategic Navigation Dredging | Strategic navigation dredging by USACE targeted residual sediment contamination in five specific areas throughout the channel. | 2020 | Restrictions on Dredging Activities |
NE Shoreline of Katherine Street Habitat Restoration | 1,760 feet of shoreline and in-water habitat and 3.7 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored by EPA. | 2019 |
Riverbend Phase 2 Habitat Restoration | 1,445 linear feet of shoreline and 4.9 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored to provide habitat and recreation areas in an urban setting. | 2018 |
Buffalo Motor and Generator Corp. Habitat Restoration | 270 feet of shoreline and 0.5 acres of upland and riparian habitat was restored by importing substrate and planting emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation. | 2018 |
Blue Tower Turning Basin Habitat Restoration | 1,700 linear feet of in-water habitat was restored via the placing underwater structures to prevent the buildup of debris and promote the establishment of aquatic plants. | 2018 |
Old Bailey Woods Habitat Restoration | Three acres of native in-water, riparian, and upland forest habitat was restored, including 805 linear feet of shoreline. | 2018 |
NYSDEC Ohio Street Boat Launch Habitat Restoration | 330 feet of shoreline and 1.5 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored. | 2018 |
Toe of Katherine Street Habitat Restoration | 2. 4 acres of fish and wildlife habitat were restored by removing invasive species, planting native vegetation and regrading and stabilizing the shoreline. | 2018 |
Katherine Street Peninsula Extension Habitat Restoration | 450 feet of shoreline and 3.7 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored. | 2018 |
Buffalo Color Peninsula Habitat Restoration | 2,575 feet of shoreline was stabilized, and 1.5 acres of upland habitat were restored with ‘vegetated benches’ that help native plants become established. | 2018 |
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Buffalo River | Three sites had a combined total of 2,300 linear feet of shoreline restored by USACE. | 2018 |
Thomas Higgins Natural Park Habitat Area (Bailey Peninsula) Restoration | Following the relocation of Bailey Avenue Bridge, a seiche wetland was created that features upgraded recreational potential. | 2017 |
Shoreline and near-shore habitat were enhanced featuring upgraded recreational resources including trails and informal kayak access. | 2017 |
61 Smith Street Restoration |
Shoreline and near-shore habitat restoration took place to provide fish and wildlife sanctuary adjacent to the Red Jacket Natural Habitat Park. | 2017 |
Seneca Bluffs Habitat Restoration | 3,000 feet of shoreline and 20 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored by USACE. | 2017 |
Riverbend Phase 1 Habitat Restoration | 2,650 linear feet of shoreline and 6.3 acres of riparian and upland habitat were restored to provide habitat and recreation areas in an urban setting. | 2015 |
City Ship Canal Habitat Restoration | 3,450 linear feet of in-water habitat for fish and wildlife populations was restored with emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation and habitat structures under the GLLA program. | 2015 |
Ohio Street Habitat Restoration | 240 feet of in-water habitat was restored with emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation plantings under the GLLA program. | 2015 |
Katherine Street Peninsula Habitat Restoration | 1,190 linear feet of fish habitat was restored with emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation and in-water habitat structures under the GLLA program. | 2015 |
Buffalo Color Peninsula Habitat Restoration | 2,300 linear feet of in-water and shoreline habitats were restored with underwater habitat structures and emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation plantings under the GLLA program. | 2015 |
Riverbend Habitat Restoration | 1,900 linear feet of fish habitat was restored with emergent and submergent aquatic vegetation and in-water habitat structures under the GLLA program. | 2015 |
Strategic Navigation Dredging | USACE dredged an additional foot below the authorized channel depth to remove a total of 550,000 cubic yards of legacy sediment contaminants. | 2012 | Restrictions on Dredging Activities |