Remediation and Restoration Projects for Maumee AOC
Project Title | Project Description | Date Completed | Targeted BUI(s) |
Berlin Avenue Floodplain and Stream Improvements | Restoration and preservation of 2,200 linear feet of Otter Creek floodway and capture of storm water runoff and associated sediment. | 2024 (est.) |
Collins Park Improvements on Duck Creek | Regrade/create streambank benches in stream reaches between culverts and/or creation of a wetland channel in the 2.5-acre area at the upstream end of Duck Creek. | 2024 (est.) |
Connected Wetland and Fish Passage at Camp Sabroske | Restore 25 acres of wetland habitat, creating a diversity of wetland types, nursery habitat for fish and increasing connectivity between Toussaint and adjacent wetland. | 2024 (est.) |
Crane Creek Lacustuary Wetland Restoration | Restoration of up to 300 acres of lacustrine wetland habitat. | 2024 (est.) |
Delaware Creek Park Restoration: Phase II | Erosion control at a stormwater outfall, and/or installing a vegetated concrete block mat to protect the area while allowing for infiltration and vegetation growth | 2024 (est.) |
Detwiler Park Stream Restoration | Creation of instream habitat, improvements to ponds/conversion to wetland, removal of accumulated sediments in stream and ponds, and restoration or reconnection to of waterbodies to the floodplain in a 1-mile stretch of the stream | 2024 (est.) |
Dry Creek Restoration | The creation of benches along 1,500 feet of Dry Creek, possible stream channel expansion, and the creation of wetland complexes in the associated floodplain. | 2024 (est.) |
Headwaters Tenmile Creek Stream & Riparian Restoration | Stabilize 1,200 feet of eroding streambank and enhance and restore 2.5 acres of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
Instream and Riparian Projects in Headwaters Tenmile Creek | Recommendations could include ditch improvements and/or instream and riparian restoration in the riverine and riverine headwater portions of Tenmile Creek. | 2024 (est.) |
Maumee State Forest Blue Creek Stream Restoration | Regrading/vegetating of 2,500 feet of incised streambank, restoration of 1.3 acres of wetland, and restoration of 2.9 acres of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
Maumee State Forest | A total of 140 acres will be restored by the planting of trees to create oak-dominated woodlands and oak savannahs and establish wet prairies or wet sedge meadows. | 2024 (est.) |
Oxbow Channel Addition & Wetland Enhancement/Reconnection in the Lacustuary of Turtle Creek | Enhance 17 acres of wetland habitat, create 1,730 feet of backwater habitat, and create a diversity of wetland types and a nursery environment for fish. | 2024 (est.) |
Packer Creek Stream Restoration | Regrade/vegetate 13,000 feet of incised streambank, improving sinuosity for 9,900 feet of channel, and installing 13,000 feet (90 ft wide, 16 acres) of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
Restoration of the Ottawa River within Jermain Park |
Creation of 2.7 acres of wetland, stabilization of 2,300 feet of eroding streambank, creation of 50 feet of riffle habitat, and enhancement of 1.5 acres of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
Schiller Stream and Riparian Improvements | Stabilize 1,800 feet of eroding streambank, enhancing of 2.8 acres of wetland, and restoring 0.65 acre of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
Stream Restoration at Oregon Recreational Complex | Regrade/vegetate 5,300 feet of incised streambank, improving sinuosity along 1,600 feet of channel, restoring ~3.5 acres of floodplain habitat, and installing 2.5 acres of riparian buffer. | 2024 (est.) |
GLLA- Swan Creek | Enhance 17 acres of wetland habitat, create 1,730 feet of backwater habitat, and create a diversity of wetland types and a nursery environment for fish. | 2024 (est.) |
Taylor Rd. and Yarrow St. Floodplain and Stream Improvements | Restoration of vernal pool/riparian wetland habitat, improvement of instream cover, enhancement of 900 linear feet of riparian buffer, and stormwater runoff capture. | 2024 (est.) |
Turtle Creek North Nissen Road Restoration | Regrade/stabilize 1,100 feet of incised streambank, improving stream sinuosity and installing in-stream cover, creating 50 feet of riffle habitat, and creating 0.75-acre of floodplain wetland. | 2024 (est.) |
UTMC Swan Creek Restoration | Stabilize 1,700 feet of eroding streambank, installation of locked logs, bendway weirs, hydraulic cover stones, and 50 feet of riffle habitat. | 2024 (est.) |
Waste Management Instream and Riparian Restoration | Creation of benches along ~650 linear feet of Dry Creek, adding flow length/sinuosity, adding cobble/substrate, and planting native vegetation in riparian areas. | 2024 (est.) |
Fox Property Restoration Project | 30 acres will be restored with native wildlife habitats by planting 3.7 acres native short grass sedge meadow, 15 acres native short grass sedge meadow interspersed with scattered trees, and 11 acres of forest. | 2022 (est.) |
Howard Marsh Phase 2 | In 2018, Phase 1 converted 732-acres of the property back into wetland. Phase 2 will restore 240-acre of upland forest (20-acre) and coastal marsh (220-acre) and connect the remaining 255 acrea of the property. | 2022 (est.) |
Kitty Todd Expansion | Convert over 280 acres of current row-crop agriculture and 11 acres of residential land cover to Oak Openings habitat and enhance 17.5 acres of degraded Oak Openings habitat. | 2022 (est.) |
Magee Marsh State Wildlife Area (MMWA) | Improvement of wetland management of 2,700 acres of coastal wetland, improve passage of native fish, reduce the threat of non-native invasive plants and animals and improve cost-effectiveness and sustainability. | 2022 (est.) |
Maumee Bay State Park Coastal Wetland | Creation of 43- acres of wetland, a small dike with a water control/fish passage at the mouth of the wetland to re-establish an aquatic connection with the lake and provide water level management that will be used to control non-native vegetation. | 2022 (est.) |
Navarre Unit of Ottawa NWR | Approximately 600 acres of degraded coastal wetlands will be enhanced through upgraded wetland management. | 2022 (est.) |
Oak Savannah Expansion at Secor Metropark | A total of 39.3 acres restored to native Oak openings prairie and savanna habitat. | 2022 (est.) |
Cedar Point NWR Pool 2 | Restore water management capability to 135 acres of coastal habitat, enhancement of 1,595 acres of coastal wetlands. | 2021 (est.) |
GLLA – Lower Maumee River, Sway Bridge and WWTP sites | Conducting data gap sampling to further characterize the sediments to determine steps, leading to a potential remedial action in the future. | 2021 (est.) |
GLLA- Otter Creek | The 1.7-mile section of Otter Creek will have contaminated sediment removed and a one-foot sand cover placed to provide a clean substrate for benthic organisms to utilize when re-establishing community populations. | 2021 (est.) |
Penn 7 Wetland Restoration | Restoring 15.2 acres. Installing a new water control structure, restoring fish habitat, and increasing fish nursery habitat. | 2021 (est.) |
Restoring Coastal Wetlands at Toussaint State Wildlife Area | Restoring 5400 linear feet of the exterior river berm. 2500 linear feet of internal berms will be removed to create additional wetland habitat. | 2021 (est.) |
Toussaint East and West | 118.58 acres of land along the south side of the Toussaint 118.58 acres of land along the south side of the Toussaint River and adjacent to the Blausey Unit of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge was restored to wetlands and upland. |
2020 |
Irwin Upland Prairie Site 5 | Implemented cleanup on 20 acres of land to remove all previously dumped nonhazardous waste material left behind after a previous 2016 cleanup. | 2018 |
Irwin Wet Prairie | 40 acres was restored to its former wet prairie habitat. Habitat enhancement activities over 6 acres included removing glassy buckthorn. | 2018 |
GLLA- Ottawa River |
Addressed 251,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment and dredged 5.6 miles of the river. 509,000,000 gallons of water was successfully treated and discharged to the river. |
2010 |