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Great Lakes AOCs

Remediation and Restoration Projects for Sheboygan River AOC

Project Title Project Description Date Completed Targeted BUI(s)
Target Invasive Species Control Over 12 acres of invasive species were controlled and maintained at a coverage of below 5% of the treated area. 2015
  • Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat
  • Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Kiwanis Park Shoreline Restoration 1.5 acres of new naturalized shoreline and 3.1 acres of habitat were improved to provide connectivity for fish and wildlife between habitats along the river. 2013
  • Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat
  • Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Wildwood Island Area Restoration Shoreline stabilization, invasive species removal, deep marsh and wet meadow establishment, and native vegetation plantings improved fish and wildlife habitat. 2013
  • Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat
  • Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Esslingen Park, Taylor Drive, & Indiana Avenue Area Wetland Restoration

20 acres of wetland, shoreline, and riparian habitat were restored to provide healthy habitat for fish and wildlife populations.

  • Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat
  • Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
In-Stream Habitat Improvements at Rochester Park and Kohler Sites 2200 linear feet of in-stream improvements took place, including increased in-water habitat quality and complexity. 2013
  • Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat
  • Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Great Lakes Legacy Act project between Kiwanis Park and the 8th Street Bridge

148,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment were remediated to improve recreational uses of the river and reduce fish contamination.

  • Restrictions on Dredging Activities
  • Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption
  • Degradation of Benthos
Sheboygan River Strategic Navigation Dredging (GLRI) 153,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment were removed from to improve navigation downstream of the 8th Street Bridge. 2013 Restrictions on Dredging Activities