August 2012 — EPA has begun a Great Lakes Legacy Act sediment removal project in the Sheboygan River Area of Concern (AOC). The Sheboygan River AOC extends 14 miles from Sheboygan Falls through the City of Sheboygan to Lake Michigan.
This $30-35 million Great Lakes Legacy Act project will remove about 160,000 cubic yards of sediment contaminated with PCBs and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the river. Approximately 1,840 pounds of PCBs and 37,166 pounds of PAHs will be removed. The Great Lakes Legacy Act project will be conducted from Kiwanis Park to the 8th Street Bridge. The excavated sediment will be treated and taken to a licensed landfill for disposal.An additional benefit of the dredging will be greater depth in the Sheboygan River, which will improve navigability.
This project is an important step in removing the Sheboygan River AOC from a list of the most polluted places around the Great Lakes. Joining EPA in the Legacy Act dredging project are the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the City of Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation and Pollution Risk Services.
The following links exit the site Exit
- Sheboygan River AOC Beneficial Use Impairment Report (PDF), (2p, 2MB, About PDF) 2015
- Sheboygan Outreach Evaluation (PDF), (18pp, 2.2 MB) 2013
- Sheboygan River FAQs: Cleaner and Deeper (PDF), (8pp, 2.6 MB) 2012
- Sheboygan outreach needs assessment (PDF), (28pp, 1.9 MB) 2012
- Sheboygan River Area of Concern Closer to Restoration (PDF)(2 pp, 439 K, August 2012)
- Focused Feasibility Study: Lower River and Inner Harbor of the Sheboygan River (PDF)(15 pp, 9 MB, 2012)