Trenton Channel Legacy Act Cleanup in the Detroit River AOC
The Trenton Channel of the Detroit River is an urban waterway with an extensive history of industrial development and use.
Trenton Channel Remedial Investigation Report July 2010
Feasibility Study
In 2013, EPA and its partners completed a feasibility study for cleaning up contaminated sediment in the Upper Trenton Channel as part of the Great Lakes Legacy Act. This study reviewed and evaluated cleanup options to manage around 240,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment.
Feasibility Study Report for Upper Trenton Channel
Remedial Design
The next step in the project is to do a Remedial Design of the proposed cleanup plan. A voluntary partnership between the EPA and BASF Corp., Arkema, and Union Carbide Corporation perform the remedial design to address the contaminated sediment. Under this voluntary partnership arrangement, sediment samples were collected at various locations in the Upper Trenton Channel to determine key information needed to design the cleanup.