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Green Book

Green Book 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Area Information - NAAQS Revoked

This section provides detailed information about designations, classifications and the status of the nonattainment areas at the time of the 8-Hour Ozone (1997) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) revocation on April 6, 2015. Original 8-Hour Ozone areas were designated June 15, 2004. 

For additional information see:
- Ozone Designations and Classifications
- Revocation Federal Register Notice (80 FR 12264)  

  1. All Designated Area Selections (Nonattainment and Maintenance)
    1. Area/State Information
    2. Area Design Values
    3. State/Area and Design Value Information
    4. State/County/Area Information
    5. State/Area/County List
    6. Area/State/County List

  2. Nonattainment Area Selections
    1. Areas by Classification
    2. State/County/Area Information
    3. State/Area/County List
    4. Area/State/County List

  3. Maintenance Area Selections (Redesignated from Nonattainment)
    1. Areas by Classification
    2. State/County/Area Information
    3. State/Area/County List
    4. Area/State/County List

  4. Area Maps
    Map and GIS shapefile downloads are available from the Downloads page (see sidebar link)
    1. National Maps
      1. National Map of 8-Hour Ozone (1997) of Maintenance and Nonattainment Areas
      2. National Map of 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Nonattainment Areas

    2. State Maps
      1. Individual State Maps with 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Nonattainment Areas
      2. Individual State Maps with 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Maintenance Areas

    3. Interactive Map with Status of Current 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Nonattainment/Maintenance Areas

  5. Other Information
    1. Summary Reports
      1. Nonattainment Area Summary Report
      2. Maintenance Area Summary Report
      3. Nonattainment Area Summary Report w/ History

    2. Comparison to Other Standards
      1. 8-Hour Ozone (2008) NAAQS Nonattainment Areas with Prior Ozone NAAQS

      2. County Detail Report for 8-Hour (2015), 8-Hour (2008), 8-Hour Ozone (1997-Revoked), and 1-Hour (1979-Revoked)

    3. Early Action Compact (EAC) Areas

    4. Areas with a Maintenance Plan Requirement Under Section 110(a)(1) of the CAA

    5. Designation and NAAQS Information Related to the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard

  6. Federal Register Notices Related to 8-Hour Ozone (1997) Areas
    1. Clean Data Determination/Attainment Determinations for Areas with Current Nonattainment Status

    2. Attainment Date Extensions

    3. Classification Changes

    4. All Federal Register Notices
      1. Notices Listed By Category
      2. Notices Listed By Area Name
      3. Notices Listed By State then Area
      4. Notices Listed By Date