2013 Challenge Judges
EPA designed the Campus RainWorks Challenge to encourage an interdisciplinary approach to stormwater management that reduces water quality impacts while achieving multiple community goals. EPA assembled a panel of judges representing a range of expertise, from chemical engineering to landscape architecture to urban hydrology to review entries. Seventeen judges from EPA, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)Exit and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Exitgenerously volunteered their time to evaluate the 84 design proposals submitted by student teams. EPA would like to thank the following judges:
Final Panel
Michael F. Bloom, P.E.
Stormwater Quality Practice Leader
R.G. Miller Engineers Houston, TX
Daniel P. Christian, P.E., D.WRE
Senior Project Manager
Tetra Tech
Lansing, MI
Dennis R. Nola, PLA, ASLA
Associate Coordinator, Landscape Architecture
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Michael Vergason, FASLA, FAAR
Michael Vergason Landscape Architects, Ltd.
Alexandria, VA
Mike Borst
Chemical Engineer
US EPA Office of Research and Development
Edison, NJ
Robert Goo
US EPA Office of Water
Washington, DC
Lisa Biddle
US EPA Office of Water
Washington, DC
Abby Hall
US EPA Office of Policy
San Francisco, CA
Suzanna Perea
US EPA Region 6
Dallas, TX
Alisha Goldstein
US EPA Office of Water
Washington, DC
Ken Hendrickson
US EPA Office of Region 3
Philadelphia, PA
Clark Wilson
US EPA Office of Policy
Washington, DC
Liz Guthrie, ASLA
American Society of Landscape Architects
Washington, DC
Andrew Wilcox
Cal Poly Pomona
Pomona, CA
Suha Atiyeh
Tebodin Consultants and Engineers
Dubai, UAE
Timothy Dean, P.E.
Johnson, Miriam, & Thompson, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA
Seth P. Brown, P.E.
Water Environment Federation
Alexandria, VA