Lessons Learned in Green Infrastructure
In this webcast, speakers from EPA’s Office of Research and Development and KC Water in Kansas City, Missouri will highlight lessons learned from green infrastructure practices. Experience with on-the-ground implementation provides a broad base for learning. This webinar will provide helpful green infrastructure lessons learned for communities, states and other practitioners across the nation.
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August 16, 2016
1:00pm – 2:30pm EDT
Session 1 – Lessons Learned From First Year Cistern Monitoring in Camden, NJ
Michael Borst, Engineer, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters
The presentation gives the preliminary results of monitoring cisterns in Camden, NJ during the 2015 growing season.
Session 2 - Practice Makes Perfect: Tips for Good Green Infrastructure Outcomes
Lisa Treese, RLA, LEED AP, Senior Landscape Architect, Engineering Division, KC Water
KC Water in Missouri has made it through the first years of adding green infrastructure projects and maintenance to their repertoire. Learn from Kansas City’s experience with the robust Middle Blue River Green Solutions Pilot Project from 2009 to today.
Michael Borst is an engineer with EPA’s Office of Research and Development conducting research on green infrastructure performance and effectiveness.
Lisa Treese is a landscape architect with over ten years’ experience in practice. A staff member at KC Water since 2012, she is responsible for informing decisions related to green infrastructure and site design, monitoring green infrastructure maintenance agreements, and advising internal maintenance programs. Lisa holds a Bachelors of Landscape Architecture and a secondary major in Natural Resources & Environmental Science from Kansas State University and is a licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Missouri.