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For Stadiums, Events and Leagues

This page contains the "how-to" of green sports. These tools to help "green" your operations have been created by EPA and other federal agencies, and have helped homes, communities and industries across the country and world move toward sustainability.

Save Energy and Reduce Emissions

EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager --is an interactive energy management tool that allows you to track and assess energy and water consumption across your entire portfolio of buildings in a secure online environment.

ENERGY STAR qualified products-- use them and specify them in your purchasing policies and contracts.

EPA's Green Power Partnership --a voluntary program offering technical and communications assistance to encourage organizations to use green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with conventional electricity use.

Green Power Locator -- find information about green power options available to you in your area.

EPEAT®, a comprehensive environmental rating-- helps identify greener computers and other electronic equipment. View the EcoBenefits of purchasing greener EPEAT-registered electronics.

E3: Economy, Energy and the Environment-- brings together experts from five federal agencies to help businesses in communities across the country better conserve energy and natural resources and improve fiscal health.

Use Greener Products

EPA Greener Products Portal -- is designed to help the user navigate the increasingly important and complex world of greener products. It allows users to search for EPA programs related to greener products and answer questions about what makes a product "greener".

EPA's Safer Choice -- helps consumers, businesses and institutional buyers identify cleaning and other products that perform well, are cost-effective, and are safer for the environment.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

A number of general environmentally preferable purchasing resources -- have been developed by EPA and other organizations to assist institutional purchasers with putting environmentally preferable purchasing into practice.

The Responsible Purchasing Network publishes resources designed for those who are just starting an environmentally preferable purchasing program.

Green Cleaning

Green Cleaners -- Environmentally Preferable Purchasing-- can help you implement green cleaning practices by helping you find safer alternative products and use them properly.

Custodial Green Cleaning Training Videos and FactsheetsExit-- were funded in part by a grant from EPA and include videos in English, Spanish and Cantonese.

Cleaning Products Pilot Project (CPPP) -- was a cooperative interagency effort between the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and EPA to establish a framework for identifying and comparing environmentally preferable commercial cleaning products.

Database of Environmentally Preferable Products

Comprehensive procurement guidelines database of products -- promotes the use of materials recovered from solid waste. Buying recycled-content products ensures that the materials collected in recycling programs will be used again in the manufacture of new products.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink

Sustainable Materials Management -- conserves resources, reduces waste, and provides significant economic benefit while minimizing the environmental impacts of the materials we use.

Food Recovery Challenge-– recruits private and public entities to provide the expertise and resources necessary to reduce food loss and waste. These efforts enable participants to save money, help feed communities, and reduce the environmental burden of food production.

Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy-- is a free resource for SMM challenge participants, stakeholders and anyone else interested in learning more about SMM principles from experts in the field. The Web Academy provides a platform to share best practices.

2030 Champions -- USDA, EPA Announce U.S. Food Loss and Waste 2030 Champions: 15 major U.S. companies pledge 50 percent reduction in food loss and waste.

Guide to Recycling at Sports Venues--can help you reap economic benefits of recycling. For example, it explains how, depending on local waste disposal and recycling market conditions, recycling can lead to a reduction in solid waste management costs as revenue is generated from commodities such as cardboard, paper and aluminum.

Venue Recycling in the USA -- prepared by NAPCOR under an EPA grant this report identifies venue and event categories based on shared characteristics, and then estimates the potential volume of recyclable containers generated both within each of these categories and cumulatively.

Tips on venue waste reduction from California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (PDF)(2pp, 3MB) Exit-- suggestions that will help you reduce your waste at large events.

Waste Reduction at Venue Facilities and Large EventsExit-- tools to assist all involved, from the California Department of Resources Recovery and Recycling.

Recycling at Events: A Guide to Reducing Waste at Any Event (PDF)(15 pp, 5.4 MB) Exit-- green guide from pre-event planning to post-event evaluation.

Fact sheet explaining how to involve concessionaires and vendors in your recycling program-- a reference tool for venues with a permanent recycling infrastructure and special events that require temporary recycling activities.

Superfund Land Reuse "How To" Reports --the reports on this page provide technical information on how sites with hazardous waste have been safely reused for various purposes, such as recreation, while ensuring that the protectiveness of the remedy is maintained

WasteWise --Conserving Resources, Preventing Waste. WasteWise helps organizations and businesses apply sustainable materials management practices to reduce municipal and select industrial wastes.

Conserve Water

WaterSense -- EPA program that stresses working together we can promote the value of water. It helps consumers and organizations make smart choices regarding water use and water-using products.

WaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities--WaterSense has developed WaterSense at Work, a compilation of water-efficiency best management practices, to help commercial and institutional facility owners and managers understand and better manage their water use.

Green Infrastructure techniques-- you can use in parking lots and areas surrounding facilities to slow down runoff and to allow rainfall to soak into the ground.

Large-Scale Landscapes – EPA's GreenScapes program focuses on the "4 Rs"— reduce, reuse, recycle, and rebuy to help improve both your bottom line and the environment.

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