Why Green Your Sport?
Across the country, teams, fans, event planners and college campuses are saving energy, cutting waste and cleaning up at sporting events to show their commitment to the environment -- a goal that has many benefits. Read about them here:
On this page:
The most basic reason to green sports is to help achieve sustainability. Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.
Sustainability contributes to environmental benefits such as:
- Conserving natural resources helps to preserve biodiversity
- Protecting and improving air and water quality
- Reducing waste streams
The Natural Resources Defense Council notes there are many environmental benefits to greening sports. Exit
This Sports Illustrated cover story "Going, Going Green" — shares surprising and innovative ideas that are already helping sports adapt to become more sustainable. Exit
Benefits for businesses
Businesses can benefit directly by embracing greener practices and reducing waste:
- Social and environmental responsibility
- Reduce operating costs
- Decrease waste and disposal costs
- Create and expand markets for green products and services
- Improve employee safety using greener products
For more information on the benefits to businesses please read Why Should You Care About Preventing Waste? Small Business Guide.
Energy security
- Purchasing green power can help reduce America’s dependence on foreign fuel sources because green power is a domestic energy source, whereas conventional power is in part produced from imported fossil fuels, such as petroleum or natural gas.
- Renewable fuels are inexhaustible and can be used so that fossil fuels are kept in reserves for times of need.
For more information on solar power as a source of renewable energy please read the Solar Electric Guide for Your Stadium or Arena: A guide to help professional and collegiate sports teams and venues develop successful on-site solar power generation Exit.