Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program History
This page depicts a timeline of the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program.
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1993
- 1990
- EPA makes updates to the Recommendations of Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels
- Adds a Mobile Phones recommendation to procure Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) registered products. This recommendation aligns with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirement to procure EPEAT registered electronic products.
- Removes the lumber/wood category from the Recommendations.
- Creates a new “find products” section to make it easier for purchasers to identify products certified to the recommended standards/ecolabels.
- EPA provides technical input to the following product sustainability standards that were published in 2018:
- Major update to the Standard for Environmental and Social Responsibility Assessment of Computers and Displays (IEEE 1680.1™) Exit
- Minor update to the Standard for Sustainability for Mobile Phones (UL/ANSI 110-2017) Exit
- Minor update to the Environmental Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility Assessment of Servers (NSF/ANSI 426-2018/9) Exit
- EPA publishes the data sources and java code referenced in the Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC) to allow for greater transparency and for others to use the code to create similar calculators.
- On May 17, 2018 President Trump issues Executive Order 13834 “Regarding Efficient Federal Operations”. This E.O. rescinds and replaces E.O. 13693, issued in 2015.
- EPA collaborates with the General Services Administration (GSA) to integrate EPA’s Recommendations of Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels into major federal procurement vehicles. This tool can help federal purchasers identify credible and effective standards and ecolabels that have been established by the private sector for products and services.
- EPA provides technical input to the following product sustainability standards that were published this year:
- EPA releases a new category within its Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator focused on imaging equipment. The Imaging Equipment Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator(EEBC)Exit can be used to calculate the environmental results for color multi-function devices (all in one printer, scanner, and fax machines), black and white multi-function devices, and black and white printers.
- EPA issues Final Pilot Guidelines based on learnings from the pilot assessment.
- EPA makes updates to the Recommendations of Specification, Standards, and Ecolabels in the three product categories included in the pilot assessment and to the format of existing product categories.
- EPA releases Version 1.0 of the TV Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- GSA and EPA complete updated API of federal environmental sustainability requirements for integration into federal contract writing systems.
- EPA issues a Federal Register Notice to launch a pilot to assess standards and ecolabels against Draft Guidelines in three product categories: furniture; flooring; and paints/coatings (March 19, 2015).
- President Obama signs Executive Order 13693 Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.
- EPA issues Interim Recommendations of Specification, Standards, and Ecolabels for Federal Purchasing.
- EPA publishes Summary of Work: Review of Federal E-Procurement Systems for Sustainable Purchasing Integration.
- EPA releases Version 4.0 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- EPA releases Version 1.0 of the Printer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- Launches the research for the E-procurement systems report.
- Publishes Federal Sustainable Print Management Policy Template in GSA Bulletin FMR B-39.
- EPA coordinates interagency discussion and collaboration with industry on clarification of product categories included in the requirement to procure EPEAT registered products, resulting in guidance issued by the White House’s Office of the Federal Environmental Executive.
- EPA provides technical support to the FAR Council and OMB as they reviewed the EPEAT FAR Case 2013-16 to add clauses for televisions and imaging equipment.
- EPA issues a press release proposing new guidelines for greener federal purchases.
- EPA issues a Federal Register Notice to announce public review and comment on draft Guidelines intended to provide a transparent, fair, and consistent approach to using non-governmental product environmental performance standards and ecolabels in Federal purchasing.
- EPA's Office of Policy publishes Evaluation of the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (PDF) (189 pp, 2.41 MB, About PDF)
- IEEE publishes the Standard of Environmental Assessment of Televisions (IEEE 1680.3-2012).ExitEPA co-chaired the standard development working group.
- IEEE publishes the Standard for Environmental Assessment of Imaging Equipment (1680.2-2012).ExitEPA co-chaired the standard development working group.
- EPA releases Version 3.0 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC) (April).
- EPA releases Version 3.1 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC) (July).
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2011 Accomplishments Summary.
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2012 Accomplishments Summary.
- EPA participates in writing the National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship (NSES).
- EPA participates in integration of federal green purchasing requirements into the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative’s Blanket Purchase Agreement for Print Management Services.
- IEEE 1680.2 Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Imaging Equipment and the IEEE 1680.3 Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Televisions went out for balloting. EPA Co-Chaired both working groups.
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2010 Accomplishments Summary.
- President Obama signs Executive Order 13514 - Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (PDF)(15 pp, 88 KB, About PDF).
- A final rule is published by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) issuing agencies amending the FAR to require federal use of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT).Exit
- EPA releases Version 2.0 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE), Commander Navy Region Southwest, and EPA Region 10 hosts the 2009 Federal Environmental Symposia.
- OFEE releases Version 2.0 of their guidance, Designated Green Products for Federal Procurement.
- IEEE publishes the Standard of Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, Including Notebook Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers, and Personal Computer Displays (IEEE 1680.1-2009)Exit. EPA co-chaired the standard development working group.
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2008 Accomplishments Summary.
- The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, Commander Navy Region Southwest, and the Federal Network for Sustainability - West host the 2008 Federal Environmental Symposia.
- EPA adopts its Green Building Strategy to facilitate the mainstream adoption of effective green building practices.
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2007 Accomplishments Summary.
- Office of the Federal Environmental Executive hosts 2007 Federal Environmental Symposium.
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology releases Version 4.0 of Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) Software. EPA provided significant technical input.
- President Bush signs Executive Order 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management (PDF) (7 pp, 105 K, About PDF).
- The Council on Environmental Quality issues Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423.
- EPA amends the Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition Regulation (EPAAR) to include green meeting requirements.
- The Zero Waste Alliance and the Green Electronics Council publishes the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Standards Development Roadmap, with support from EPA.
- EPA participated in the NSF International standards development activities. NSF publishes the Sustainable Carpet Assessment Standard (NSF 140-2007).
- EPA begins the process of developing a voluntary consensus-based standard on green meetings through the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Exit
- The FAR issuing agencies publish an interim rule that requires procurement of Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) computers.
- EPA releases Version 1.1 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2006 Accomplishments Summary.
- Office of Management and Budget releases the first Environmental Stewardship Scorecard, rating agencies on their progress in the areas of environmental management systems, green purchasing, sustainable building, electronics stewardship, and compliance management.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) approves the 1680-2006 Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products; IEEE 1680 is the first Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) standard for green desktops, laptops and monitors.
- Electronics manufacturers submit the first EPEAT-registered computer desktops, laptops and monitors.
- Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers Exitis made available on the Whole Building Design Guide.Exit
- White House hosts Summit on Sustainable Federal Buildings.
- Nineteen federal agencies sign Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)(10 pp, 152 KB, About PDF) Exit.
- EPA publishes revised Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guides for carpets, janitorial products, copiers, meetings/conferences.
- EPA and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive release the Green Cleaning Pollution Prevention Calculator.
- EPA publishes Promoting Green Purchasing: Tools and Resources to Quantify the Benefits of EPP.
- Office of the Federal Environmental Executive hosts 2006 Federal Environmental Symposium, which includes tracks on green purchasing, sustainable buildings and electronics stewardship. EPA involved in planning and execution.
- EPA releases Version 1.0 of the Computer Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC).
- Federal Electronics Challenge: 2005 Accomplishments Summary.
- EPA awards Blanket Purchasing Agreement for greening office supply purchases.
- ASTM expands E2129 "Standard Practice for Data Collection for Sustainability Assessment of Building Products" to include product category specific questionnaire.
- ASTM publishes E2432 "Standard Guide for General Principles of Sustainability Relative to Buildings"Exit.
- EPA publishes Integrating Green Purchasing Into Your Environmental Management System.
- Federal Electronics Challenge launches, promoting electronics stewardship in the federal government including purchase of environmentally preferable electronics.
- Twelve federal agencies sign Promoting Sustainable Environmental Stewardship of Federal Electronic Assets Memorandum of Understanding.
- EPA assists with the development of International Green Purchasing Network, Exit hosted by Japan's Green Purchasing Network.
- EPA publishes Federal Register notice requesting comments on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guides; provides Response to Comments.
- EPA publishes Buying Green Online: Greening Government E-Procurement of Office Supplies.
- Federal Green Construction Guide for SpecifiersExitundergoes public review.
- EPA launches Federal Electronics Challenge pilot with five federal agencies.
- Stakeholders participate in workshop to discuss development of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) funded by EPA Pollution Prevention grant.
- National Park Service designates 20 parks as Centers for Environmental Innovation in ongoing partnership with EPA.
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Environment Ministers approves OECD Council Recommendation on Improving the Environmental performance of Public Procurement.
- National Park Service, National Recreation and Parks Association and EPA sponsor first Greening Workshop and charrette at Big Cypress National Preserve.
- EPA attends the North American Green Purchasing Conference co-hosted by Center for A New American Dream and TerraChoice Environmental Services, Inc.
- The Commission for Environmental Cooperation forms the North American Green Purchasing Initiative in which EPA becomes a member.
- Oceans Blue Foundation unveils Green Meeting Planning Tool. Exit
- EPA's develops its own Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Goals.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology releases Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) software (version 3.0), with support from EPA.
- Tellus Institute publishes Greening Your Products: Good for the Environment, Good for Your Bottom Line (PDF) (52 pp, 692 KB), under a Cooperative Agreement with EPA.
- ASTM Buildings Performance Committee passes ASTM E2129 "Data Collection for the Assessment of Sustainable Building Products". EPA was the task group chair.
- EPA publishes Qualitative Measurement of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Among Federal Employees in 2000.
- U.S. Postal Service, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Interior and EPA sign Improving Environmental Management of Electronic Assets Memorandum of Understanding. EPA managed this effort.
- EPA and the Department of Energy compile Case Studies in a Promising Practices Guide for Greening Contracts.
- President Clinton signs Executive Order 13148 - Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management (PDF) (14 pp, 257 KB) (Revoked by Executive Order 13243).
- EPA publishes State and Local Government Pioneers: How State and Local Governments Are Implementing Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Practices.
- EPA publishes Federal Pioneers: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Stories from the Federal Government.
- EPA, Department of Interior and Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) program sign Memorandum of Agreement to step up efforts to identify and market green products.
- EPA publishes Environmentally Preferable Products Final Guidance Brochure.
- EPA publishes Tips for Buying Green with a Government Credit Card.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology releases Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) software (version 2.0), with support from EPA.
- EPA publishes Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing.
- EPA introduces Database of Environmental Information for Products and Services.
- EPA publishes Federal Register notice seeking comments on the Development of Voluntary Consensus Standards for Environmentally Preferable Goods and Services; provides Summary of Comments.
- Federal Trade Commission and EPA publish Sorting Out Green Advertising Claims.
- National Association of Counties publishes the Environmental Purchasing Starter Kit: A Guide to Greening Government through Powerful Purchasing Decisions for local governments, under a grant from EPA.
- EPA publishes Private Sector Pioneers: How Companies Are Incorporating Environmentally Preferable Purchasing.
- President Clinton signs Executive Order 13101 - Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition (Revoked by Executive Order 13243.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology introduces the Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) software (version 1.0), with support from EPA.
- EPA publishes Environmental Labeling Issues, Policies, and Practices Worldwide.
- EPA and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive issue guidance on the Pilot Project Approach on Use of Non-Governmental Entities, to test the utility of various means of using non-governmental entities to achieve environmentally preferable purchasing goals.
- EPA, The White House Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors co-host the EPP Symposium: Greening Federal Purchasing. Over 450 people participate in the two-day symposium in Baltimore, MD on July 16-17.
- The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council issue the final rule for Federal Acquisition Regulation revisions related to "Environmentally Sound Products".
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and EPA initiates study examining innovative environmental purchasing programs in OECD member countries.
- EPA publishes Proposed Guidance on Acquisition of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services.
- EPA hosts public meeting, accepts written comments, on Proposed Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guidance.
- EPA drafts concept paper on environmentally preferable purchasing and hosts public and stakeholder meetings.
- President Clinton signs Executive Order 12873 - Federal Acquisition, Recycling and Waste Prevention (Revoked by Executive Order 13101), further directing EPA's work on environmentally preferable purchasing.
- General Services Administration and EPA initiate the first environmentally preferable purchasing pilot project on cleaning products.
- The Pollution Prevention Act is established which requires EPA to "identify opportunities to use Federal procurement to encourage source reduction"(Section 6604).