An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »


Sustainable Marketplace: Greener Products and Services

TOWELS - Paper

EPA recommends the following private sector standards/ecolabels be used when purchasing towels - paper. All federal ecolabel program(s) and statutory requirement(s) that apply to this product category are also listed below. If you are a U.S. federal government employee who would like free access to one of the private sector standards or ecolabels recommended by EPA, please email the EPP Program (

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Recommended Private Sector Standards/Ecolabels

Agencies can use:

Green Seal™ 01 Standard for Sanitary Paper Products3

GreenSeal LogoAccess standard.

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Ecologo/UL 175 Standard for Sustainability for Sanitary Paper Products3

EcologoAccess standard.

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Federal Ecolabel Program

Agencies can use:

BioPreferred LogoBioPreferred® Program – USDA Certified Biobased

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Statutory Requirement

Products shall meet this statutory requirement:


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Inclusion in the Recommendations is not an endorsement by EPA of the standards/ecolabels or of any of the products conformant to these standards/ecolabels, but rather a statement that the standard/ecolabel meets either EPA’s Guidelines or is recommended for use by another Federal agency.