Executive Order 13834: Efficient Federal Operations
Executive Order (EO) 13834: Efficient Federal Operations was signed May 17, 2018. This EO references requirements established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005), and the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007.
EO 13834 includes the following requirements for federal agencies:
- Reduce building energy use annually and implement cost-saving energy efficiency measures.
- Meet statutory requirements for renewable energy and electricity consumption.
- Reduce potable and non-potable water consumption and comply with stormwater management requirements.
- Utilize performance contracting to achieve energy, water, building modernization and infrastructure goals.
- Ensure new construction and major renovations conform to building efficiency requirements and sustainable design principles; consider building efficiency when renewing or entering into leases; implement space utilization and optimization practices; annually report on building conformance to sustainability metrics.
- Implement waste prevention and recycling and comply with federal requirements on the management and disposal of solid, hazardous and toxic waste.
- Adhere to Federal Acquisition Regulation requirements and procurement policies regarding the purchase, use and disposal of products, including electronics.
- Track and report on energy management activities, performance improvements, cost reductions, greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water savings, and other performance measures.
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) will develop guidance for federal agencies on how to meet these requirements. Resources are also available on CEQ’s website Exit.
The U.S. Department of Energy will also work with other federal agencies to review existing federal vehicle fleet requirements and seek opportunities to optimize fleet performance, reduce associated costs, and streamline reporting and compliance requirements.