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Greening EPA

Gulf Ecosystem Measurement and Modeling Division (GEMMD) Laboratory

Photo of the porch of one of EPA’s Gulf Ecology Division Laboratory buildings in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

78,006 gross square feet (GSF)

Energy Intensity:
FY 2019: 129,558 Btu per GSF
39.9% reduction from FY 2003

Water Intensity:
FY 2019: 45.11 gallons per GSF
47.5% reduction from FY 2007

Gulf Breeze, Florida

The laboratory is a primary research facility of EPA’s Office of Research and Development Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling (CEMM).

Sustainable Features

  • EPA has conducted pilot assessments at this facility to identify vulnerabilities and opportunities to improve resiliency to the impacts of extreme weather events.
  • EPA developed a checklist of facility resiliency considerations, including severe weather events expected to occur in the region (e.g., hurricanes).
  • Landscaping is native, self-sustaining vegetation that does not require landscape irrigation. A grassed swale helps convey stormwater from impervious surfaces to those that can detain or absorb runoff.
  • EPA’s Computational and Geospatial Sciences Building #67 received the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® Silver for New Construction (version 2.2) certification in April 2009.
    • The building uses a rainwater capture and reuse system to supply urinals and dual-flush toilets. Water-efficient high-performance plumbing fixtures were installed throughout the building.
    • This building also meets the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings.

For more information, visit the Gulf Ecosystem Measurement and Modeling Division website, read Sustainable Facilities at EPA: Computational and Geospatial Sciences Building, Gulf Breeze, Florida or visit the EPA Facility Contact List.