Region 4 Office
Atlanta, Georgia

346,142 rentable square feet (RSF)
Energy Intensity:
FY 2019: 27,671 Btu per RSF
Water Intensity:
FY 2019: 12.04 gallons per RSF
EPA Region 4 covers Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center (SNAFC) is one of the largest federal buildings in the country and EPA Region 4 is the building’s largest tenant.
Sustainable Features
- The building was awarded the ENERGY STAR® in 2005 with a score of 81, in 2007 with a score of 94, in 2010 with a score 89 and in 2013 with a score of 93.
- SNAFC has installed occupancy sensors for lights, has recycled-content carpet, used low volatile organic compound paint and incorporated recycled glass in its landscaping.
- SNAFC’s courtyard features native, drought-resistant vegetation and semi-pervious concrete pavers.
For more information, visit the Region 4 website or the EPA Facility Contact List.