Wednesday, August 15, 2018
1:00 PM-2:00 PM EDT
A variety of green power supply options are available to consumers in today's market. This webinar, hosted by U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership, provided a high-level review of each option, detailed to whom and where the option is available, and discussed each option’s benefits and drawbacks. Attendees learned about the following green power supply options: unbundled renewable energy certificates, competitive electricity products, utility green power products, community choice aggregation, self-supply, green tariffs, shared renewables, and power purchase agreements.
The webinar also provided a tutorial on EPA’s Green Power Supply Options Screening Tool. This free tool helps non-profit and for-profit organizations decide which supply options might work for them. Based on answers to a few simple questions, the tool returns easy-to-understand guidance about which green power supply options are available in their state.