Green Power Partner Resources
The Green Power Partnership provides its Partners with a variety of current and relevant tools and resources to help them communicate their green power leadership and partnership with EPA. These include:
- Green Power Partner Communications Support: This page outlines opportunities for Green Power Partners to promote their organization's environmental leadership and commitment to sustainability. This page also provides an overview of the tools and services Partners can use to promote their green power commitments.
- : This page provides information about the use of the Green Power Partner mark and the guidelines for use in outreach and communications materials. EPA Green Power Partner Mark
- contact us for an additional copy of your certificate. Green Power Partner Certificate: Once an organization signs on as a Partner, that organization receives via email a welcome kit with program information, as well as a certificate acknowledging its green power commitment. If you are already a Partner,
- Green Power Leadership Awards: This page provides updated information about additional recognition opportunities Partners have when they apply for the annual Green Power Leadership Awards.
- Green Power Partnership Newsroom: EPA provides highlights to recent news and press related to the Green Power Partnership and its Partners. This page provides links to the monthly newsletter, news, media coverage, and press releases about our Green Power Partners.
- Green Power Partnership Events and Webinars: EPA hosts webinars on a regular basis that explore a variety of topics, including the Green Power Partnership, green power technologies and products, and information on procuring green power.
- Green Power Partnership Videos and Trainings: EPA develops trainings on a regular basis that explore a variety of green power purchasing and generation topics.
- EPA also develops videos that explore a variety of topics, including information about green power procurement, renewable energy certificates, and the benefits of becoming a Green Power Partner.
- Green Power Partnership Publications: This page provides access to documents related to the Green Power Partnership, how to join, and other relevant Partner documentation.