Green Power Partnership Program Update
Green Power Partnership (GPP) Program Updates are published quarterly and provide the latest news and updates on the Partnership.
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Issue 67, December 2020
- Top Partner List Updates Coming in January
- Upcoming Webinar: State of the Voluntary Green Power Market
- Spotlight on New Partners
- Upcoming Event: 100% Renewable Energy Virtual Symposium
- Articles of Interest
- Berkeley Laboratory Releases Utility-Scale Wind and Solar Data Updates
Top Partner List Updates Coming in January
The Green Power Partnership quarterly top partner lists will be updated in January. If you have an update to your organization's green power data, please submit it by January 5, 2021, to ensure that your green power information is included in the update.
Upcoming Webinar: State of the Voluntary Green Power Market
Thursday, January 28, 2021
1:00 PM-2:00 PM EST
This annual webinar focuses primarily on the voluntary market, through which consumers and institutions voluntarily procure renewable energy for all or part of their electricity needs. The webinar will present information on:
- The various green power product options with information on their trends in green power purchasing
- The continued growth of new green power procurement options, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), community solar programs, and community choice aggregations
- Trends of GPP partners green power use and diversification
The presentations will draw heavily on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's recently published Status and Trends in the U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market (2019 data) as well as the Green Power Partnership's program data.
Speakers & Presentations:
- Christopher Kent, Program Manager, U.S. EPA's Green Power Partnership
- Eric O'Shaughnessy, consultant specializing in distributed energy resources and voluntary green power market research
View NREL's presentation here (PDF) (21 pp, 1.7MB).
Spotlight on New Partners
The green Power partnership welcomes several new partners recently, including some with significant green power usage.
- Boston University - With its recent green power purchase that covers 100 percent of its electricity needs, Boston University now uses more renewable electricity than any other higher education institution within the Green Power Partnership. Read Boston University’s press release to learn more.
- eBay - In October 2020, eBay joined the Green Power Partnership. The company’s use of more than 251 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power is equivalent to the annual electricity use of nearly 23,000 average American homes each year. eBay is currently ranked 14th on GPP’s Top 30 Tech & Telecom list. Read eBay’s press release to learn more.
- Owens Corning – The company recently joined GPP as an organization-wide partner, procuring nearly 1 billion kWh of green power with two long-term financial wind PPAs, as well as three on-site solar PPAs and a REC contract with a specific off-site ground-mounted solar PV project.
Upcoming Event: 100% Renewable Energy Virtual Symposium
The 100% Renewable Energy Virtual Symposium on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 will bring together stakeholders from across the United States and internationally to examine the latest technology advances, case studies, and success strategies for making the transition to 100 percent renewables. Top industry executives, technology innovators, policy professionals and change strategists will share invaluable insights into making the goal of 100 percent renewable energy a reality.
GPP staff, and others from the Center for Resource Solutions, RE100, and Target are participating in a session entitled Real World Strategies and Progress to Date in Achieving 100% Renewable Energy.
Visit this link to register for the symposium.
Articles of Interest
Read below for recent news about the Green Power Partnership and the renewable electricity market.
- Church Executive, EPA Report Shows Onsite Renewable Energy Growth Among Worship Facilities
- IHS Markit, Corporate US Renewable Procurement Outlook: Optimism Amid a Pessimistic Year
Berkeley Laboratory Releases Utility-Scale Wind and Solar Data Updates
Berkeley Lab recently released two 2020 updates on utility-scale wind and solar. Read the reports (linked below) and watch the recorded webinar on comparative costs to learn more.
- Wind Technologies Market Report: An update on land-based wind technology data, as well as key trends in the U.S. wind power market.
- Utility-Scale Solar Report: This update focuses on utility-scale solar data to provide an overview of key trends in the U.S. market.