Hydraulic Fracturing Study: March 2011 Technical Workshop on Well Construction and Operation
The proceedings from the Well Construction and Operation Workshop include a summary of the presentations and discussion sessions as well as abstracts for each presentation.You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
Presentations and Individual Abstracts
Well Construction Theme
Technical Presentation Session 1: Considerations for Aquifer Protection
- Overview of the Well Construction Sessions (PDF)
Contributed by Bob Whiteside, Texas World Operations - Public Water Sources and Hydraulic Fracturing – A State Drinking Water Perspective (PDF)
Contributed by Mark Jensen, Utah Department of Environmental Quality - Well Completion Methods for Aquifer Protection (PDF)
Contributed by Bill Godsey, GeoLogic Environmental Services, LLC
- Overview of the Well Construction Sessions (PDF)
Technical Presentation Session 2: Well Design
- Well Planning and Construction Techniques (PDF)
Contributed by Carolyn Debrick, Devon Energy - Production Casing Design Considerations (PDF)
Contributed by Brad Hansen, Devon Energy - Well Construction Practices in the Marcellus (PDF)
Contributed by Cody Teff, Shell Exploration and Production Company
- Well Planning and Construction Techniques (PDF)
Technical Presentation Session 3: Drilling and Completion
- Multi-Well Pad, Tight Gas, Directional Drilling Program Protects Aquifers (PDF)
Contributed by Jay Foreman, Williams Production - Casing Perforating Overview (PDF)
Contributed by Brad Hansen, Devon Energy - Cementing, Cement Quality Evaluation/Logs and Zonal Isolation
for Hydraulically Fractured Wells (PDF)
Contributed by Talib Syed, TSA, Inc.
- Multi-Well Pad, Tight Gas, Directional Drilling Program Protects Aquifers (PDF)
Fracture Design and Stimulation Theme
Technical Presentation Session 4: Geologic Assessment
- The Distribution of Natural Fractures Above a Gas Shale: Questions About Whether Deep Fracture Fluid Leaks into Groundwater Outside the Realm of Faulty Borehole Construction (PDF)
Contributed by Terry Engelder, Pennsylvania State University - Evaluation of Well Records and Geophysical Logs to Determine the Presence of Freshwater, Saltwater, and Gas above the Marcellus Shale, South-Central New York (PDF)
Contributed by John Williams, US Geological Survey
- The Distribution of Natural Fractures Above a Gas Shale: Questions About Whether Deep Fracture Fluid Leaks into Groundwater Outside the Realm of Faulty Borehole Construction (PDF)
Technical Presentation Session 5: Fracture Propagation
- Fracture Design in Horizontal Shale Wells – Data Gathering to Implementation (PDF)
Contributed by Tim Beard, Chesapeake Energy - Evaluating Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in a Shallow Sandstone Interval (PDF)
Contributed by David Cramer, ConocoPhillips - Hydraulic Fracturing in Coalbed Methane Development, Raton Basin, Southern Colorado (PDF)
Contributed by Hal Macartney, Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.
- Fracture Design in Horizontal Shale Wells – Data Gathering to Implementation (PDF)
Technical Presentations Session 6: Monitoring
- Fracture Design and Stimulation - Monitoring (PDF)
Contributed by Mike Eberhard, Halliburton Energy Services - A Case History of Tracking Water Movement Through Fracture Systems
in the Barnett Shale (PDF)
Contributed by Patrick Handren, Denbury Resources - Measurements and Observations of Fracture Growth (PDF)
Contributed by Norman Warpinski, Pinnacle - A Halliburton Service
- Fracture Design and Stimulation - Monitoring (PDF)
Technical Presentation Session 7: Verifying Zonal Isolation
- Sustainable Fracturing Rationale to Reach Well Objectives - The Impact of Uncertainties and Complexities on Compliance Assurances (PDF)
Contributed by Ahmed Abou-Sayed, Advantek International - Design and Rationale for a Field Experiment using Tracers in Hydraulic Fracture Fluid (PDF)
Contributed by Daniel Soeder, US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory - Review of Stimulation Water Retention Mechanisms and Likelihood of Fluid Communication
with Shallow Aquifers (PDF)
Contributed by Scott Cline, Unaffiliated
- Sustainable Fracturing Rationale to Reach Well Objectives - The Impact of Uncertainties and Complexities on Compliance Assurances (PDF)
Well Integrity Theme
Technical Presentation Session 8: Pre- and Post-Hydraulic Fracturing Well Integrity Test Methods
- Assessment Methods for Well Integrity during the Hydraulic Fracturing Cycle (PDF)
Contributed by James Bolander, Southwestern Energy - Pre & Post Well Integrity Methods for Hydraulically Fractured/Stimulated Wells (PDF)
Contributed by Talib Syed, TSA, Inc.
- Assessment Methods for Well Integrity during the Hydraulic Fracturing Cycle (PDF)
Technical Presentation Session 9: Case Studies
- Case Study for Well Integrity over a Full Life Cycle (PDF)
Contributed by Lloyd Hetrick, Newfield Exploration Company - Risks to Drinking Water from Oil and Gas Wellbore Construction and Integrity:
Case Studies and Lessons Learned (PDF)
Contributed by Briana Mordick, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Case Study for Well Integrity over a Full Life Cycle (PDF)