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EPA History

Chronology of EPA Deputy Administrators

You can find biographical information about starred (*) Deputy Administrators by searching for their names in the EPA Archive.
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Deputy Administrator Start End
Henry Darwin (Acting) 07/09/18 present
Andrew Wheeler 04/12/18 07/07/18
Mike Flynn (Acting) 1/20/17 04/03/18
Stan Meiberg (Acting) 10/7/14 1/20/17
Lisa Feldt (Acting) 08/08/14 10/7/14
Bob Perciasepe 12/24/09 08/07/14
Scott Fulton (Acting) 02/04/09 12/24/09
[vacant] 1/21/09 02/03/09
Marcus C. Peacock 08/08/05 01/20/09
[vacant] 01/29/05 08/07/05
Stephen L. Johnson 08/02/04 01/28/05
Stephen L. Johnson (Acting) 07/12/03 08/01/04
[vacant] 06/28/03 07/11/03
Linda J. Fisher 05/31/01 06/27/03
[vacant] 01/20/01 05/30/01
W. Michael McCabe 08/06/00 01/19/01
W. Michael McCabe (Acting) 12/08/99 08/05/00
Peter D. Robertson (Acting) 10/01/98 12/07/99
Fred Hansen* 10/18/94 09/30/98
Robert M. Sussman* 05/10/93 10/17/94
Jonathan Z. Cannon (Acting) 03/08/93 05/09/93
Richard Morgenstern (Acting) 01/21/93 03/07/93
F. Henry Habicht II* 05/19/89 01/20/93
John A. Moore (Acting) 02/05/89 05/18/89
[vacant] 01/21/89 02/04/89
John A. Moore (Acting) 08/15/88 01/20/89
A. James Barnes* 05/10/85 08/14/88
Alvin L. Alm* 08/05/83 05/09/85
John W. Hernandez, Jr.* 05/20/81 03/25/83
Barbara Blum* 03/07/77 01/20/81
John R. Quarles, Jr.* 10/19/73 01/20/77
John R. Quarles, Jr. (Acting)* 04/29/73 10/18/73
Robert W. Fri* 06/14/71 04/29/73