Returning EPA to its Core Mission
EPA is returning to its core mission of protecting human health and the environment. We are committed to providing clean and safe air, water, and land for all Americans. We are building on the enormous progress EPA has made since it was established in 1970 – increasing the safety of lakes and rivers, reducing smog, cleaning up contaminated lands, and guaranteeing the safety of chemicals in the marketplace.
- Improving approval time of state plans to meet air quality standards
- Ensuring safety of chemicals in the marketplace
- Taking faster action on priority contaminated sites
- Back-to-Basics Agenda
- Superfund Task Force
- Proposal to Repeal the Clean Power Plan
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 21st Century Act Implementation Activities
- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program
- Administrator Pruitt Signs Memo to Reform the National Ambient Air Quality Standards Review Process