Web Publishing Schedule
Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the Web site.
The table below organizes EPA's Web publishing into "activities" instead of organizational units because these activities create common types of content, regardless of the particular part of EPA. For example, all regulatory programs publish regulations and related fact sheets, regardless of the specific environmental issue they address. Similarly, many parts of EPA issue grants, but the kind of information we publish about them doesn't depend on the organizational unit.
We have a long-standing policy to publish information as soon as it can be released to the public, so there is no more specific schedule. As new information becomes available that is important to the public, we are committed to putting it on our Web site.
To comment on our publishing schedule please contact Angela Shogren, 202-343-9761.
Activity | Content Type |
All of EPA or multiple activities | Published reports (all types) Organizational information Contact info News releases Speeches Background/overview information for each topic on site Events (conferences, fairs, training sessions, etc.) Forms Things you can do Legal determinations and opinions How to use the site (site map, topic lists, accessibility features, search engine, etc.) Goals Accomplishments Grants - what's available, what we've given out Data (scientific, monitoring, emissions, etc. |
Regulatory programs | Statutory Authority Regulations (all stages) Public comments (requests and the comments themselves) Permits Regulatory fact sheets Compliance guidance Product lists |
Other programs (voluntary, informational, etc.) |
Fact sheets
Membership details (criteria, benefits, how to apply)
Membership lists
Product lists (e.g., Energy Star)
Public involvement / what you can do
Crisis communications
Environmental data |
Local, state, national data
Mapping apps
How to correct errors
Education |
Educational materials
Online games and activities
Print games and activities
Grant information
Organizational information
Photo/essay contests
Compliance & enforcement |
Compliance guidance
Enforcement information
How to report a tip
Help with complying
Environmental justice
Collaboration with other government agencies at all levels
Scientific research |
Research program information
Scientific papers & technical reports
Instrumentation specifications
Organizational information
Contact info
Doing business with EPA, working for EPA |
Grants and contracts - applying and awards
Small business guidance
Greening EPA
Facilities descriptions and addresses
Jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities, etc.
Career information
HR strategies
Civil rights complaints
Special emphasis programs
Workforce assessments
Finance |
Budget information
Strategic plan
Performance reports (e.g., for the Government Performance and Results Act, etc.)