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Hazardous Waste

Documents Related to the Hazardous Waste Listing for Organobromine Production Wastes

In 1998, two new hazardous waste codes were added to the list of hazardous waste. Floor sweepings, off-specification product and spent filter media from the production of 2,4,6-tribromophenol was added as K140. The 2,4,6-tribromophenol was designated U408 and added to the list of hazardous constituents in Appendix VIII of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in Part 261. The land disposal treatment standards were modified to add these new wastes.

In 2000 EPA announced the vacature of the 1998 ruling that had added 2,3,6-tribromophenol and the floor sweepings, off-specification product and spent filter media from the production of 2,4,6-tribromophenol to the U and K hazardous waste lists, respectively. The land disposal treatment standards were also modified to remove these wastes. The effect of the vacating of the previous hazardous waste listing is to clarify that the two wastestreams are not subject to hazardous waste management and treatment standards under RCRA.

Organobromine Production Wastes March 2000 Ruling:

Organobromine Production Wastes May 1998 Ruling:

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