The list of facilities on the RCRA 2005 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Corrective Action Baseline contains mainly facilities identified in the early 1990's when EPA and the states were prioritizing their corrective action workload and were identified as facilities where early cleanup progress would be appropriate. Progress toward the GPRA goals was measured by two interim cleanup milestones known as the human exposures environmental indicator (EI) and the groundwater EI. Today, many of these facilities have already made substantial progress in their cleanup efforts.
Below are the 2005 Baseline list sorted by state and by facility name, a summary of EI results and an update spotlighting companies pledging to meet the 2005 environmental indicator goals.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- 2005 Cleanup Baseline sorted by state (PDF)(59 pp, 128 K)
- 2005 Cleanup Baseline sorted by facility name (PDF)(54 pp, 119 K)
- Summary of Environmental Indicator Results: 1997-2005 (PDF)(1 pg, 12 K)
- December 2005 Update: EPA Spotlights Companies that Pledged to Meet Corrective Action Environmental Indicators for 2005 (PDF)(1 pg, 26 K)