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EPA RCRA ID: RID002042216

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The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the public law that creates the framework for the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. Corrective action is a requirement under RCRA that facilities that treat, store or dispose of hazardous wastes, or did so in the past, investigate and clean up hazardous releases into soil, groundwater, surface water and air. For more information, and for more information on RCRA-specific terms used on this page, please visit EPA’s umbrella RCRA web page or EPA’s RCRA Corrective Action page.

On this page:

Cleanup Activities

Buildings associated with historic manufacturing operations have all been demolished. Lagoon sediments have been excavated, and wetland restoration measures were taken. Certain contaminated soils have been removed. In addition, light non-aqueous phase liquid skimmers and a soil vapor extraction system were installed to collect chlorinated solvent vapors.

Cleanup Actions or environmental indicators characterizing the entire facility are shown below. This listing, and all the data on this page, come from EPA’s RCRAInfo and are refreshed nightly to this page. For this table, a blank in the Status column could mean the action either has not occurred or has not been reported in RCRAInfo.

Cleanup Activities Pertaining to the Entire Facility  

Action Status Date of Action
Human Exposure Under Control HelpHuman Exposure Under Control(CA725)    
Groundwater Migration Under ControlHelpGroundwater Migration Under Control (CA750)    
Remedy DecisionHelpRemedy Decision (CA400)    
Remedy ConstructionHelpRemedy Construction (CA550)    
Ready for Anticipated Use HelpReady for Anticipated Use (CA800)    
Performance Standards AttainedHelpPerformance Standards Attained (CA900)    
Corrective Action Process TerminatedHelpCorrective Action Process Terminated (CA999)    

 For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.

Facility Description

Prior to 1971, the Sun Chemical Corporation manufactured chemicals for the textile, paint, varnish, and other industries at this property. From 1971 until the 1990s, Carroll Products, Inc. occupied the property, manufacturing institutional soaps, detergents, dust control products, and a chemical (diazochloride) used for printing inks and circuitry. The facility operated a greater than 90 day hazardous waste storage area and two unlined surface impoundments that received metallic and organic wastes from manufacturing operations.

Link to a larger, interactive view of the map.

This approximately 42 acre facility is located in a mixed residential/commercial area of Richmond, RI. According to the US Geological Survey's National Hydrography Dataset, this facility is located in the Upper Pawcatuck River watershed and the nearest fresh surface water body is located on or immediately adjacent to the property. Geology in this area has been observed to be dominated by granitic gneiss formations.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional and Engineering Controls help ensure human exposure and groundwater migration are under control at a cleanup facility. Where control types have been reported by states and EPA in EPA’s RCRAInfo, they are shown below. Not all control types are needed at all facilities, and some facilities do not require any controls. Where there are blanks, the control types may not be needed, may not be in place, or may not be reported in RCRAInfo.

Are Controls in Place at this Facility?

Control(s) Type

Control(s) in Place?

Areas Subject to Control(s)

Institutional ControlsHelpInstitutional ControlsNon-engineering controls used to restrict land use or land access in order to protect people and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances remaining in the site/or facility.

(CA 772)

Informational DevicesHelpInformational Devices (ID)


Governmental Controls HelpGovernmental Controls  (GC)


Enforcement and Permit ToolsHelpEnforcement and Permit Tools  (EP)

Proprietary ControlsHelpProprietary Controls (PR)  

Engineering ControlsHelpEngineering ControlsEngineering measures designed to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by either limiting direct contact with contaminated areas or controlling migration of contaminants.

(CA 770)

Groundwater ControlHelpGroundwater Control (GW)


Non-GroundwaterHelpNon-Groundwater (NG)


 For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.

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Enforcement and Compliance at this Facility

EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) provides detailed historical information about enforcement and compliance activities at each RCRA Corrective Action Site in their Enforcement and Compliance Historical Online (ECHO) system. 

RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Reports from ECHO

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Related Information and Publicly Available Electronic Records

For more information about this facility, see these other EPA links:

Documents, Photos and Graphics

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Contacts for this Facility


EPA Region  implements and enforces the RCRA Corrective Action program for   and federally recognized tribes.

For further information on this corrective action site, use the Contact Information for Corrective Action Hazardous Waste Clean Ups listings that are accessible through Corrective Action Programs around the Nation.

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Date Last updated: Data on this page was last refreshed on