Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Lemean Property Holdings (Formerly: Keystone Lamp) in Slatington, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Cleanup Status
On November 8, 2001, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), and EPA's contractor conducted a site visit to assess the current condition at the facility. The purpose of the visit is to determine if the facility meets the Environmental Indicators (EIs) for Human Exposures and Migration of Contaminated Groundwater. Based on the information gathered from the site visit and numerous file reviews, EPA concluded that additional field sampling is needed to make a determination. In 2004 and 2005, environmental sampling was conducted to assess the conditions at the site. The sampling consisted of a residential well survey and sampling of groundwater, surface water, sediment and surface soil. None of the onsite wells sampled exceeded EPA and PADEP drinking water standards for the primary metal contaminants of concern. Only one onsite well detected trichloroethylene (TCE) of 7.2 ug/L, which slightly exceeds the regulatory standard of 5 ug/L. Groundwater and the associated onsite TCE plume discharge to the Lehigh River, which is located approximately half a mile downgradient of the site. Surface water sampling along the Lehigh River indicates that the River has not been impacted from current and past activities at the facility. In addition, the PADEP PENTOXSD model concludes that onsite TCE concentrations are well below the model predicted minimum concentration of 3,505 ug/L that poses a potential impact to the Lehigh River. Essentially, the Lehigh River, which groundwater discharges to, serves as a passive remedy to the low levels of TCE detected in groundwater. There are no residential wells or receptors that are impacted by the onsite TCE plume. Therefore, EPA concludes that human exposures to the low levels of TCE in groundwater are not reasonably expected under the current conditions.
Several soil samples were collected throughout the site. The samples were analyzed for Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs), Semvolatile Organic Compound (SVOCs), and selected heavy metals. No VOCs and SVOCs in soil exceeded EPA generic soil screening levels for residential ingestion/dermal and inhalation. A few soil samples detected arsenic levels above EPA and PADEP regulatory limits for industrial use. One soil sample registered a chromium level above PADEP Direct Contact limit of 420 mg/kg but falls below EPA Industrial Generic Soil Screen Limits of 3,400 mg/kg. The extent of arsenic and chromium soil contamination is approximately 100 ft2 and is limited to the vicinity of the former outfall drainage ditch area and the railroad tracks. Given the small area and location of the soil contamination, and the current land use conditions, potential human exposures to the soil contamination are marginal and do not pose a significant health risk.
Based on the environmental investigation and review of existing records EPA in February 2006, determined that there is no contamination problem that creates an unacceptable risk to human health. There are no receptors to the low levels of TCE in groundwater. The groundwater plume is stabilized and has not impacted the Lehigh River. Potential human exposures to the limited area of soil contamination are marginal and do not pose a significant health risk. Therefore, EPA concluded that no further corrective actions are necessary under the EPA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action program at the Facility at this time. Should new information in the future reveal the need for additional investigation or remediation, EPA will proceed accordingly.
Site Description
Slatington, LLC, a division of Commercial Development Real Estate, Inc, currently owns the former Keystone site. The site is currently vacant. The former Keystone Lamp Manufacturing Corporation (Keystone) facility is located in Slatington, Pennsylvania. The site covers approximately 19 acres with the main building of operations consisting of 226,000 square feet. A 370,000-gallon pond that was once used for process water is located adjacent to Caronel Creek. The facility parking area and wooded land owned by Slatington is located to the west side of Route 873. The Lehigh River is approximately 500 feet east of the facility.
The former Keystone facility manufactured various types of lamps, charcoal grills, smoking stands, and other miscellaneous metal items. The operations included an electroplating process of various products.
Contaminants at this Facility
Based on the environmental investigation and review of existing records EPA determined that there is no contamination problem that creates an unacceptable risk to human health.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
Institutional controls were not required.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The site currently is unused.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.