Below is EPA's Documentation of Environmental Indicator Determination for the Univar facility (formerly Vopak USA, aka Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.) in Portland, Oregon.
Environmental Indicators (EIs) are measures used by the RCRA Corrective Action Program to track progress at corrective action sites in environmental terms. For more information, visit Measuring Progress at Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Facilities.
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Updated Documentation of Groundwater Environmental Indicator (EI) Determination, Univar (formerly Vopak USA, aka Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.), Portland, Oregon (PDF)(8 pp, 367 K,
February 6, 2020)
Groundwater documentation (only) has been updated from 1999 EI Determination.
- Documentation of Environmental Indicator (EI) Determination, Univar (formerly Vopak USA, aka Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.), Portland, Oregon (PDF)(15 pp, 113 K, February 5, 1999)