These outreach materials are available for TSDFs to inform their small business customers about the upcoming re-notification requirement. Small quantity generators are now required to re-notify EPA or their state environmental agency as to their generator status every four years by completing and submitting the Notification of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C Activities (Site Identification Form) in full, also known as EPA Form 8700-12, or state equivalent. The TSDF handout is included in various formats so TSDFs can choose whichever is the most useful.
- Simple, print-quality handouts in PDF format that TSDFs can print in-house and adhere a sticker with their contact information to email or attach to an invoice. The TSDF can print either a single handout or two per page.
- A “bleed-crops” handout in PDF format that TSDFs can choose to have professionally printed and adhere a sticker with their contact information to email or attach to an invoice.
- Editable handouts in PDF format in which TSDFs can customize the re-notification year and add their contact information and company logo to then email or attach to an invoice. The TSDF can print either a single handout or two per page. A user guide accompanies the editable handout to show TSDFs how to customize the handout with their information and the year the SQGs need to fulfill the re-notification requirement.
- Re-notification Handout for In-house Printing (two per page) (PDF)(1 pg, 240 K)
- Re-notification Handout for In-house Printing (single) (PDF)(1 pg, 208 K)
- Re-notification Handout for Professional Printing (two per page) (PDF)(1 pg, 240 K)
- Customizable Re-notification Handout (two per page) (PDF)(1 pg, 595 K)
- Customizable Re-notification Handout (single) (PDF)(1 pg, 563 K)
- User Guide for Customizing the Re-notification Handout (PDF)(3 pp, 983 K)