EPA finalized treatment standards under the land disposal restrictions (LDR) program for certain hazardous wastes listed after November 8, 1984, pursuant to a proposed consent decree filed with the District Court that established a promulgation date of June 1992 (EDF v. Reilly, Civ. No. 89-0598, D.D.C.). EPA also finalized revised treatment standards for debris contaminated with listed hazardous waste or debris that exhibits certain hazardous waste characteristics, and several revisions to previously promulgated standards and requirements. These actions were taken as part of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Reform Initiative, and were expected to facilitate implementation of the LDR program.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris, Federal Register Notice (PDF)(89 pp, 5 MB, August 18, 1992, 57 FR 37194)