In July 2017, EPA issued a memorandum entitled Safe Handling, Storage and Treatment of Waste Fireworks. This memorandum provides information regarding the safe and legal handling, storage and treatment of waste fireworks, and responds to recommendations from the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. The memorandum communicates safety concerns and requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as well as best management practices and standard operating procedures to promote safer management of these wastes. In addition, the memo suggests permit conditions for safe handling, and will also assist EPA Regions, states and tribal officials in their oversight responsibilities.
- Access the Memorandum on the Safe Handling, Storage and Treatment of Waste Fireworks (PDF)(28 pp, 1.36 MB, About PDF)
EPA also prepared the brochure below to accompany this memorandum. The brochure serves as a quick reference guide for those individuals and entities who are involved in the collection and management of waste fireworks. Highlights include: when RCRA may apply, RCRA regulatory requirements, recommended best management practices and emergency situations. The brochure may be printed and displayed as a tri-fold for distribution.
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